Connecting You To You

There’s a part of you that already knows what to do, a part of you that already knows the answers…

My mission is to dissolve the matrix of disease from the collective. I can show you what I discovered...and help you experience the Radiant Health that I know is your birthright. I can guide you on the journey of Self Healing through Self Mastery. I’ll walk You out of the ‘disease matrix’ and into the YOUniverse of infinite Well BEing.

Lisa Warner, Self Healing, Self Healer, Awakener, Health, Wellbeing, healing cancer, healing

We are here to show you how to access the part of  YourSelf that is Already Healthy, Wealthy, Wise and Happy

True HEALING requires a shift in CONSCIOUSNESS

….the shift from 'there's something wrong with me' ... to the KNOWING that there's NOTHING 'wrong' ... ever….

Whole BEing Healing:

‘EmBODYing the Healer Within’

12-Week Transformational Experience

Second Session - Starts April 16th

Learn More About The Course HERE!

Lisa Warner’s Montage from the Documentary Film “the INside effects” How the Body Heals Itself

Once you make this shift ... you stop buying into the idea of 'disease' altogether and you get about bringing Mind and Soul back into coherence.

Physical body healing is the RESULT of bringing Your SELF back into Alignment with Your True Nature as the Brilliant Being of LIGHT.

You have the Ability to do this for Yourself

We have the Ability to Show You How

and the Best Part is, its Simple!

The Journey of Self-Mastery

As a young child, I knew that there was much more to life than meets the eye. I knew as a girl that I was an Old Soul, existing outside of my physical reality. I spent much of this lifetime learning how to reconnect to that Soul.

When I found myself facing ‘cancer’, I knew that the medical options were not for me. So I chose to do something ‘radical’ … I chose to heal myself! I knew that my Soul was always radiantly healthy and I released the distorted belief systems that were acting as a barrier between my Body and my Soul. I did it without special diets, pills, or protocols. I did it by using the power of my own Inner Guidance … I listened to the Wisdom of My SOUL.

If I can do this … You can, too!

I didn't know anyone else who had healed themselves like this, so without a mentor, my journey took a while. It seems that I found every detour and pitfall along the way ... and tripped over most of the pebbles, too! But I learned so much along the way that I wouldn't trade my journey for anything because now I can help others make their journeys more simple, smooth, and direct.

I learned that self-healing is ultimately an elegantly simple process … because healing is natural.

It’s the time of the Great Awakening! It’s time for us to awaken to the powers that we actually possess. It’s time to end the battle with our bodies.

Your Body is on your Side. It is a part of YOU.

It is not 'sick' or 'broken' or being 'attacked' by 'diseases' ... it is sending you messages to try to HELP you.

Are you ready to start TRUSTING it ... rather than FEARING it?

Would you be willing to allow all disease to dissolve from your reality?

Would you allow radiant health to be your natural state of existence?

What would your life be like if disease didn’t exist in your world?

I've discovered this directly for my Self ... and healed 'cancer' naturally ... without any medical intervention.

Are YOU ready to discover this for Your Self, too?

If you are realizing that Your Living Life Force is the Answer and that pills are not……..find out how to start your healing journey with me!

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Connecting You to the Wisdom of Your Soul for Ultimate Health and Well Being

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Connecting You to You with Lisa Warner 

Lunch with Lisa

Every Thursday at 12:00 pm