Understanding the organic matrix
For those of us with the eyes to see, it is quite clear that something is VERY amiss these days.
It appears that we, as humanity, have created a monster.
While intending to create a system that helps us to both heal and stay Healthy, we’ve inadvertently created a ‘sick care’ system, rather than a ‘health care’ system..
The system that we have created, is so focused on ‘disease’ (looking for, diagnosing, treating, preventing) … that it can’t see the wellbeing that is naturally at hand.
In fact, when the natural causes and cures for ALL ‘diseases’ were discovered forty years ago by a doctor in Germany, the ‘medical system’ REFUSED to even look.
Because we have a ‘system’ that profits in the TRILLIONS of Dollars … by administering pills and protocols for the supposed purpose of ‘healing’ … to bodies that are designed to HEAL THEMSELVES ... automatically and organically … without the need for pills and protocols.
As ‘crazy’ as that may sound … it is True … just look for yourself:
when a bone breaks, it mends on its own
when we get a cut … the skin seals itself back up automatically
when we get a sprain … it heals
blisters … heal.
The body’s ability to heal itself is an irrefutable fact.
The idea that our bodies can’t heal themselves from ‘cancer’ and other ‘diseases’ is a mis-perception.
It’s completely un-true.
Our Bodies are NOT ‘diseased’ … they are simply STARVING for Life Force Energy!
Yet, because we believe that it is true … we don’t give our bodies the chance … or the TRUST that they need … to heal themselves.
Instead … we go through (often grueling) medical treatments that, if we survive them, we credit them for our healing, rather than giving credit to our BODIES … where it belongs. And, if the treatment doesn’t work, then we blame a ‘disease’ … rather than the failed medical treatment.
It’s the perfect set up for generating trillions of dollars of profit for Big Pharma and the medical model … and for keeping us separated from our inherent self-healing abilities.
The majority of our physical suffering is completely avoidable … when we understand the incredible self-healing design of our bodies … and the True Powers that we have as Souls!
The medical ‘System’ is part of the artificial matrix … the ‘matrix’ of false ideas. Ideas that on the surface appear to be logical and beneficial … but turn out to be false and detrimental, instead. Ideas that separate us from our natural WellBeing.
As SOULS … We are Divine Beings of Light and Love … WELL Beings through and through.
That is Who and What We ARE.
We exist in Peace, Love and Harmony with Life itself.
We LOVE living in harmony with nature, with each other and with the Universe.
We exist as ONE with the Organic Matrix; the matrix of Pure, Organic, Life-giving, Living Life Force Energy that flows to us and through us .. automatically, in every moment.
The Organic Matrix provides EVERYTHING we need.
‘Ask and it is given’ is Universal Law.
However, inside the artificial, false matrix … the paradigm is Reversed!
Rather than living in Oneness with Source … we are coaxed into Separation.
War, crime, poverty, the struggle to survive … are the inverted, distorted ‘reality’ that is generated when we forget who we are .. and live separated from Source, thinking that we have to ‘’protect’ and ‘fend for’ ourselves.
The ‘fight for survival’ simply becomes accepted as the ‘normal’ way of life.
I’m here to tell you that … IT IS NOT ‘NORMAL’!!
We are not designed to have to suffer our way through life!
The matrix of false ideas is designed to trick us, trap us, and trip us up … and cause us to FORGET Our Natural Powers (as the Grand, Creator Beings we Are, at the Soul level).
The ‘Systems’ (i.e., government, legal, monetary, medical, etc.) are part of the False Matrix … that trick us into being ‘governed’ and ‘ruled over’.
We get tricked out of our Natural Powers … and fall victims to the trap of lies and distortions.
When we fall into the trap … we feel powerless … because the ‘systems’ are designed to drain our Life Force Energy. (Think: endless paperwork, being kept in waiting rooms, put on hold, shuffled from doctor to doctor or agent to agent, treated like objects rather than people, poverty, taxes, war, crime and punishment, etc.) Just look at all of the things that drain our energy and induce fear, frustration and anxiety … rather than induce Joy!
Everything that drains our energy … adds to the collective, and personal, dis-ease.
With our Life Force Energies being drained … our Bodies HAVE to diminish in health.
There is no way around this.
Diminished flow of Life Force Energy = diminished capacity to thrive. Period.
We have to stop the ‘drain’.
The SOULution is to un-plug from the artificial, false matrix.
We have to STOP giving away our Precious Energy to ‘the System’.
Stop looking to the ‘System’ to save us!
It’s time to REVERSE THE FLOW of Energy!
IT’s time to TUNE IN (look inside) so that You can PLUG IN to the Organic, Living Matrix of Mother Earth and receive the Flow of Life-Giving Energy that is right here for each and every one of us.
When we are plugged into the false matrix … our energy is literally being drained from our Bodies. It causes us to be unable to thrive … unable to heal … unable to live happily and abundantly.
… But they need our HELP
… they need our PARTICIPATION!
If we keep believing that they are ‘broken’ … then they CAN’T be Healthy!
Our Bodies are NOT ‘diseased’ … they are simply STARVING for Life Force Energy!
Only YOU can stop the energy leaks.
Only YOU can say “NO MORE!” to the people and situations that drain your energy.
Only YOU can plug Yourself back into the Organic Matrix of SOURCE … and RESTORE the FLOW of Your Own Life Force Energy!
Only YOU can set YourSelf FREE from the false matrix.
This is what is being called for.
This is what is required to TURN THE WORLD AROUND.
This is what is required for HEALING.
And it has to start with YOU.
Are You willing to FREE YOUR SELF … and HEAL?