We Get What We Expect

We live by our BELIEFS. They shape the very fabric of our lives. 

“Whether you believe you can … or you can’t … you’re right.” ~ Henry Ford

Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to choose our beliefs wisely … because we LIVE what we believe.

When we believe that the world is a scary, dangerous place … we live our lives trying to protect ourselves from it. When we believe that we are always protected and provided for by Source … our lives become magical, fun adventures. 

The funny thing is … that BOTH of these beliefs … are TRUE!

Simply ask the person who believes that the world is a frightening place … and they will be able to provide all kinds of EVIDENCE that supports their beliefs … that will PROVE that they are correct. 

Ask the one who has total trust in their ability to Ask and Receive … and they will produce all kinds of EVIDENCE that will PROVE that life can be absolutely magical. 

So this leaves us to wonder … how can such seemingly polar opposite belief systems BOTH be true?

Well, we live in a Universe of Infinite Possibilities. 

Beliefs are really expectations. They are things that we EXPECT to be true. This is why beliefs are so powerful … because we get what we expect. 

Everything we can imagine is available for us to choose from. If we can imagine it, then we can experience it. We are experiencing our lives based upon our choices, which are based upon our beliefs. If we believe that we can have something, then we’ll find a way to attract the experience of having it. If we believe that we can’t have it … then we won’t be able to access it.

Beliefs are really expectations. They are things that we EXPECT to be true. This is why beliefs are so powerful … because we get what we expect. 

Let’s look at this when it comes to our health. 

We have an entire medical system that teaches us to EXPECT ‘disease’. 

… It teaches us to have ourselves’ screened’ yearly … so that we can ‘catch it early’ … literally planting the idea that ‘disease’ is ‘inevitable’. They have us LOOKING for it … anticipating it … ‘expecting’ it.

The problem with this is that we really do get what we expect. ‘Seek and ye shall find’ … is not a platitude … it’s a Universal Law. 

Unfortunately for humanity, we were never taught about Universal Laws in school. We were taught all kinds of other things, of which only a small fraction was actually useful or applicable. But we were never taught how the Universe works. Those ‘secrets’ were kept hidden from us.

For me, knowing how the Universe works was the ONLY thing I ever wanted to learn! 

I didn’t give a hoot about schoolwork. I was a good student, but I knew that ultimately, I would never use 95% of the stuff they jammed into our brains. It was all purely mental gymnastics. 

Without being taught the REAL knowledge … Universal Law … we are kept suffering in the dark, not knowing our own Power.

It wasn’t until I found myself facing ‘cancer’ that I got REALLY serious about learning how the Universe works! I knew that if I understood how the ‘cancer’ came to be … then I would understand how to make it go away! 

I knew that my situation was NOT ‘random’. I knew that there was a reason why my life was heading down this very slippery slope. AND I knew that there was an answer. And I knew that the medical model did not hold the answer that I was seeking. 

I have to say, that once I made up my mind to know … the insights and knowingness came rather quickly.  

As soon as I started seeking … I began finding!  As soon as I started asking … I was given answers!


Because this is how the Universe works!

… I expected to be able to KNOW these things.

… I expected that I could become Master of my own Reality.

… I expected the Universe to provide the answers. 

… I expected that I could get my body to heal itself naturally … without the medical model.

I expected … and the Universe delivered. 

I expected that my body could HEAL ITSELF naturally. 

… And I got what I expected.

In today’s society, we are taught to expect doctors to be an integral part of our lives. 

… We are taught to expect to be put on medication.

… We are taught to expect screenings, tests and insurance forms.

… We are taught to expect the worst.

And by a simple glance at society today … that’s exactly what we’ve manifested.

We have a very sick society, that is being ‘managed’ by a sick care system.

Most people visit their doctors multiple times each year out of habit, spending countless hours in waiting rooms and treatment rooms, waiting to find out ‘what’s wrong with them’ or if they’re ‘okay’ and ‘good to go’ for another year.

Personally, I have no interest in spending my precious time in this manner. I much prefer spending my time doing things that I LOVE to do. And I’m very pleased to say, that this is exactly what I have created. I’ve created a life that is completely FREE from doctors and hospitals … and I’ve never felt better!

But what can we do to change the current system? How do we take our health back into our own hands?

… We must be willing to step AWAY from the ‘system’ … and INTO our own POWER.

We must STOP expecting ’disease’ … and START expecting Bodies that HEAL THEMSELVES Naturally and Automatically.

“Well, that’s just wishful thinking, Lisa! You’re crazy. You must be living in some fantasy world.” 

Really? Let’s refer back to the opening lines of this blog.  We get what we expect. 

What if BOTH realities are TRUE?

What if expecting ‘disease’ and expecting Health … are BOTH equally viable and available to choose from?

What if doctors and hospitals … AND Self Healing … are BOTH equally available?

… Which scenario would you prefer?

… Which option are you currently choosing?

The funny thing is … that when we start to expect Natural Healing … we discover EVIDENCE that this is exactly how our bodies are designed to function in the first place!

We discover that there are Universal Laws that dictate exactly how natural healing works … every.single.time. And once we innerstand these Biological Laws, we can simply work together with our bodies … and get them to heal themselves … naturally and automatically.

But unless we are willing to look in a different direction from the pre-paved road that the medical model expects us to walk, we will never discover the true magnificence of these physical bodies we’ve been gifted. 

We will never know the Biological Laws that govern how our bodies operate. 

We will never know WHY our bodies are producing the symptoms that the medical model call ‘diseases’. 

We will never understand that there is a meaningful PURPOSE to those symptoms that are labeled as ‘diseases’ and fought against. 

We will never know the SIMPLICITY of Self-Healing.

Are YOU ready to KNOW the Universal Laws of Self-Healing that have been hidden from us?

Are YOU ready to take your Power back from the sick care system and actually HEAL Your Self?

If so, I’m your gal!

Feel free to reach out and book a Connection Call HERE to discover how I can help YOU to take your natural Powers of Self Healing back into your own hands.


Inner Guidance - Our Path Home to heaven on earth


Man vs. Nature … which side are You on?