It’s time to choose
The time of the Great Awakening is upon us. This is the time in human history when we awaken to realize that Heaven on Earth is the Divine Design … and that we have been living in direct opposition to that design for centuries, if not millennia … and now it’s time to ‘course correct’.
‘The Matrix’ is a web of illusions … false ideas and distorted perceptions … that lead to war, disease, death and destruction … rather than to the Divine Blueprint of Heaven on Earth.
These distorted ideologies have kept humanity fighting against each other and the environment, destroying not only this grand and glorious planet, but our bodies as well.
The Earth and our Bodies are both designed, by Nature, to automatically re-balance, regenerate, rejuvenate and HEAL themselves.
‘Healing’ is the Divine Design. It happens naturally and automatically … but it can’t happen while we’re in ‘battle mode’.
The ‘Matrix’ is built on ‘battle mode’. It is designed to keep us fighting. Yet, ‘fighting’ is an aberration of Nature, rooted in fear. It causes war, death and destruction. It causes us to live in fear of being ’attacked’. The fear causes us to beLIEve that our human brothers and sisters are ‘enemies’ … and that the symptoms our bodies produce are ‘diseases’ that are ‘attacking’ our bodies. Life inside the Matrix has us fighting to survive … rather that really LIVING.
… As the Light Bringers, We did not embody at this time just to see if we could ‘survive’ a mundane life! We have come here to change the Game and to Restore the Divine Blueprint of Heaven on Earth!
Peace on Earth is the Divine Design. Heaven on Earth is what occurs NATURALLY, when we are living in alignment with Our True Nature. Peace occurs automatically when we are living in alignment with the Natural world. Peace allows us to THRIVE in all aspects of our lives. HEALING happens ONLY when we are at Peace within. Fear prevents healing.
Unfortunately, over the millennia, we have been persuaded to go against our True Nature. We have allowed ourselves to become convinced that life is a battlefield and that we have to fight for survival. Yet, nothing could be further from the Truth.
It’s imperative that we start SEEING the Truth.
When it comes to our Bodies,’battling disease’ and ‘healing’ … are NOT the same thing. In fact, they are mutually exclusive … and diametrically opposed. They cannot co-exist. We are either fighting a disease … OR we are healing. Period. There is a cognitive overlay that causes us to beLIEve that fighting leads to healing and freedom. It does not. It never has and never will.
Battling’ has never solved anything. All the battles in human history have not generated Peace.
They have only lead to ‘MORE’ … ‘bigger’ and ‘better’ battles with more advanced and expensive weaponry.
‘Fighting diseases’ has not generated health. It has only lead to more ‘diseases’ with more advanced ‘weaponry’ to fight the symptoms that our bodies produce.
We are living in what is arguably the ‘sickest’ society in human history.
Why is it like this?
Unfortunately there is HUGE money to be made in both the military and pharmaceutical industries, and the ones who own those industries are not about to give up their chosen means of income … no matter how many lives are lost along the way.
‘Profit over People’ is the unspoken battlecry of these industries …. and WE are the ‘people’ whose lives are at stake. It’s up to Us to remove ourselves from harm’s way.
We have to learn how to get our Bodies to HEAL THEMSELVES. We have to learn the Divine Blueprint. We have to SEE how ‘disease’ is generated by our bodies, WHY it is generated, HOW it is serving us (because it IS) … and how the HEALING occurs Naturally … without medical interference. Once we inner stand this natural cycle, we can start working WITH our True Nature … rather than battling against it.
Once we know how to heal our own bodies … we become empowered … and we remove ourselves from danger. We stop relying on other people to heal us, as we now know how to do it ourselves. We stop engaging in the ‘battle’ with ‘diseases’. We stop being victims of these ‘wars’ … and We become the CREATORS of both INNER Peace and Peace on Earth.
When we learn how to stop engaging in the battles, the battles will cease ... and TRUE HEALING will occur.
When we stop battling the ‘enemy’ … we discover that the ‘enemies’ are simply other innocent humans … just like us … who really just want to live in Peace. We begin to see that the ‘enemy’ is the illusion … that causes us to see ‘danger’ where there needn’t be any.
When we stop battling ‘diseases’ … we see that there was no ‘disease’ … that those symptoms were our own Bodies trying to protect us. Then we stop fearing our bodies … and learn to LOVE them instead.
2023 is here.
Which path will you choose?
Will you remain in the Matrix, battling for survival?
… or will You step away … into True Healing … and start creating (and experiencing!) Heaven on Earth?
The choice is yours. The matrix is collapsing, so be sure to choose wisely!
If you are not sure how to step away from the ‘medical matrix’ … this is my specialty!
Please reach out, as there are many ways in which I can assist you.
Wishing You Heaven on Earth in 2023! Cheers!