Sacred Economy - A Path to Healing
Last month, we spoke about how unhealthy it is to have to struggle to ‘earn a living’ … when in fact, we should just be LIVING. I addressed the fact that it was blatantly obvious to me that the incessant struggle to get ahead financially without success … living under constant financial pressure, feeling like a failure for not being ‘good enough’ to ‘make it’ successfully in this world … had taken its toll on my mind and my body, slowly eating away the very essence of my Being … and my health! It was clear to me that this is where the ‘cancer’ I was facing had come from.
I had come here and taken on a body so I could LIVE on this gorgeous planet. I did not come here to become a slave to money. But that is exactly what I had become. I couldn’t live freely without money, yet I couldn’t just ‘have’ money without having to trade my precious life force energy for it.
The more I WORKED, the less I LIVED … but when I tried to just LIVE without constantly working, the money stopped coming in and I would find myself under even MORE financial pressure. It was a seemingly never-ending cycle of lack that was rapidly draining my life force energy.
Money has been used to control humanity for eons. Right now, we clearly see that ‘the controllers’ have hoarded well over 90% of the world’s wealth. The ‘top’ 1% have MORE money now than 95% of world’s population combined. People worldwide live in abject poverty, or living paycheck to paycheck with little to no savings, while the ‘top’ 1% have more money than they could possibly ever spend.
The system is set up this way on purpose.
Well, we can look at this from multiple angles. We can say that ‘the controllers’ have an agenda to rule the world by enslaving and destroying the human population, and we wouldn’t be wrong about that. However, this point of view doesn’t feel very good, as it turns us into victims of the 1%. And let’s be VERY CLEAR: we are CREATORS … we are NOT ‘victims’ (unless we allow ourselves to be).
The view that I prefer to take, is an even broader view. I prefer to see that we are Grand, Angelic Beings of Light, who have chosen to explore the darkness, knowing that nothing that happens to us in the physical realm can actually ever harm us. We have come here to explore the OPPOSITE of Who We Are. Just like an actor might take on a role of playing a serial killer, he knows that he is NOT that, but that he can freely explore what it would be like to have that experience without having to actually BE a serial killer.
As Grand, Angelic Beings of Light, we can come here to explore what it would be like to feel small and limited. We are explorers … exploring the many different forms of EXISTENCE. Just like the actor, we are ‘playing the role’ of ‘limited human’ … but we are still un-limited Beings of Light.
The ONLY way for us to fully explore limitation was for us to FORGET Who We Truly Are. So we set up strict rules that we would believe we had to adhere to: pay your taxes; work 40+ hours a week; go to church and repent your sins; get an education and a college degree; don’t drive over the speed limit … and we set up people who would enforce the rules with strict punishments for anyone who chose to disobey them.
So now we have the perfect setup: a ‘box’ of rules that force us into unnatural configurations, people who enforce the rules with punishments and human Beings who are afraid to break the rules for fear of being punished. So Grand, un-limited Angelic Beings who have embodied to become a society of rule-followers … in order to explore what it is like to be limited.
But the wonderful thing about limitation is that it is limited. We have now successfully explored every nook and cranny of limitation … and now we are in the process of freeing ourselves so that we can remember Who We Truly Are and start actually LIVING once more. This is The Great Awakening.
So as we awaken, we begin to see that the ‘enforcers’ of the rules definitely do NOT have our WellBeing in mind, so we suddenly realize that we have to put a stop to this game before the game stops us. It’s time for us to reclaim our power as Creators and start CREATING Heaven on Earth so that ALL of humanity can LIVE in Peace and Prosperity.
In order for us to do this, we have to join together. ‘Separation’ and ‘Division’ is how we have been able to explore feeling small, weak, powerless and alone. The ‘Every man for himself’ ideology creates the illusion of ‘survival of the fittest’. Yet, we are not here to ‘survive’ … we are here to THRIVE. And we can only Thrive when we come TOGETHER and help each other.
This is the basis of Sacred Economy.
I first learned about Sacred Economy when I was invited into a community of Light Bringers who are weaving their energies together to help each other manifest their dreams. What I found was a gathering of like-minded Souls who simply wished to LIVE … in Peace and Prosperity. Each person brings their own unique gifts and talents to the table to share with the group, and together, we gift financially to each other.
Gifting Circles have been in existence for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Although this was my first foray into this world of gifting, I quickly discovered the brilliance of this model.
In the world-at-large, finance is set up in the shape of a pyramid … it’s right there on the dollar bill, in fact. Those at the top of the pyramid have the all-seeing ‘eye’ of surveillance … making sure that no one breaks the rules. The 1% are at the top of the pyramid, while the vast majority of the ‘cattle’ are in the bottom half of the pyramid, living at or below the ‘poverty line’.
Gifting Circles are the opposite. In a circle, all are equal. There is no ‘hierarchy’ in a circle, and all are working together as ONE circle of friends who very quickly become ‘family’ … who love, trust, encourage and support each other in manifesting the lives of our dreams.
We generate our own economy, as well. We begin by giving an unconditional gift (of money) to one designated member of the group. This starts our journey. As we move along this journey of personal and spiritual growth, we work our way into the center of the circle, at which point we become the ‘designated Receiver’, at which point we receive 8 gifts of the same amount that we had originally gifted.
This teaches us multiple things:
~ money is a GIFT that, when given freely, returns to us … multiplied
~ when we work together, money does not have to be ‘earned’ … and can be EFFORTLESSLY received
~ when we live in harmony with Universal Law, life becomes a Joy-Full and Abundant experience
~ WE have the ability to stop participating in the ‘debt-based’ economy … and create OUR OWN economy that actually works FOR us, rather than us being slaves to it.
When we learn to take our power back and start generating our own economy that is actually joy-filled and FUN … that is filled with Abundance and Love … we become happier … and more confident and relaxed.
When we become relaxed and confident in Who We Are … we begin to feel empowered and more like our True Selves. We begin to remember that we are Creators, and life becomes FUN as we start to create and manifest our Dreams! … And in this … HEALING happens!
We begin to heal … Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually and Financially. With the support of the others in our circles, we clear away the patterns of lack and limitation, doubt, fear, guilt and shame that we have ALL been carrying for lifetimes. We help each other to see the beauty and worthiness within each of us. We support each other as we learn to receive money in a whole new way, and become the conscious Creators of our dreams.
As the struggles with money subside, we gain mental and emotional SPACE … to just BE. And it’s in the BE-ing our True Selves that the DEEPEST Healing occurs.
It is in the coming TOGETHER that the healing occurs. In a world that’s hell-bent on struggle, ‘dis-ease’, separation and isolation, WE HAVE THE POWER to put an END to those patterns once and for all. But we have to be willing to LOOK PAST the current parameters … so that we can SEE what is actually possible, and begin to CREATE the Peace-full, Prosperous and HEALTHY World we wish to LIVE in.
What if you could turn money into a GIFT … that worked FOR you?
How would this change your world?
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