Whole BEing Healing

12-Week Transformational Experience


Lisa Warner and Maura Leon S.

This 12 - Week course will set you firmly and powerfully on the path of Whole BEing Healing.

Starts April 16th

There is more to healing than meets the eye.

Healing is not just about the body.

The physical body is only one tiny aspect of Who We Are … the rest of us remains as non-physical energy and consciousness.  We must re-integrate the physical and non-physical parts of our Selves  … back into ONE WHOLENESS in order to experience ultimate health.

Health doesn’t come in a pill, and no one else can do it for you. Your healing is up to YOU.

This course is designed to help you to innerstand the process, and give you tools and Awarenesses that will allow you to begin taking your health and healing into your own hands. You are ONE Whole Being … and You must KNOW Your SELF in order to Heal Your Self.

Introduction to Whole BEing Healing:

Make the Choice to Heal

Healing is a choice, yet all too often, people don’t actually choose it.

In this Module, we’ll discuss the creational power of making a clear, conscious choice.

We’ll also open the doors of awareness to the infinite choices we have beyond the ones we’re repeatedly shown.

In the Universe of Infinite Possibilities, it pays to be Aware of the vast array of choices that are actually available.

As humans, our minds have been conditioned to beLIEve in limitations. Yet beyond our limited thinking, lies the vast Universe of Infinite Possibilities … possibilities that are available for us to know and experience once we move beyond the programmed mind and into the Wisdom of the Soul.

We’ve been programmed to beLIEve that getting sick and old are simply ‘inevitabilities’. But are they?

What MORE is possible? And how can we KNOW?

To set the tone for this course, in our Introduction we’ll speak about the Divine Design and what’s actually possible for us as Divine Souls in human form.

To help you decide if this course is for you, we have made this Introductory teaching available for FREE on Lisa’s Awake, Aware, ALIVE! on the Connecting You To You YouTube Channel.

Click HERE to watch.

Whole BEing Healing

Course Content Modules 1-12


If we don’t know why we’re sick, we can’t know how to heal.

Doctors tell us that we’re being ‘attacked’ by ‘diseases’. The medical model teaches us that we need doctors, pills and/or fancy ‘treatments’ in order to heal our bodies.

… But is this true?

… And what if it’s not?

What if healing is something far different from what we’ve been taught?

What if there is a much kinder, gentler, simpler, more organic way to heal … that doesn’t involve pill after pill, or appointment after appointment with doctor after doctor?

… And what if YOU can do it YourSelf … for FREE?

From birth, we’ve been taught to beLIEve that we are ‘mere mortals’. Yet, we’re not ‘mortal’ at all! We are Grand Beings of Light … eternal Souls … choosing to have a temporary experience on Earth in human form.

How does our experience change when we remember this Truth?

And how can we use this Truth to heal our bodies and change our lives for the better?

Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “When You change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Both Maura and Lisa are living examples of this quote in action and we’ve created this course to help You change the way YOU see things … so the things that you currently see (that you don’t like) can be changed … by YOU. Simply and organically.

This Module will help you to start seeing beyond the veil of illusions … into the realms of infinite possibilities … and into the POWER that YOU have to change things! We’ll be sharing our direct experiences to show you that there IS another way to heal.

Module 1. What is healing … and why we are sick in the first place?


When it comes to life on Earth, we’ve been taught that things ‘are the way they are, and we have to just make the best of it’.

But do we?

Does life really have to be filled with war, ‘disease’, pollution, poverty, the struggle to survive, and constant WORK to ‘earn a living’?

… How is this good for our health?

… Is this the original design? Did God intend for us to have to work incessantly in order to survive?

What happened to HEALTHY Living?

… What about Peace and Prosperity? What about JOY? What about FUN? What about PLAY?

… How much easier would it be for us to be HEALTHY in a peaceful, safe, happy, and thriving environment?

In this module we’ll be looking at the structures that have been created that keep us feeling boxed in and under pressure … and we’ll look at how simple it can be to FREE OUR SELVES … to soar into a brighter, healthier, more joy-full existence.

Module 2.  Stepping OUT of ‘the Matrix’


The harshness and crassness of the externally-imposed reality can often shock us, traumatize us, and even break our hearts. And when our hearts ‘break’, we become fragmented within. We begin to shut down. We close off our hearts to protect our Selves, which, although it may seem that this will keep the outer world at bay … it actually closes us off to the full flow of Living Life Force Energy.

Healing requires that we repair our internal wounds and open our channels back up to receive the flow. Healing requires us to mend our broken pieces and restore Our Selves to wholeness.

This week we’ll talk about what it takes to restore our health by restoring our connection to our Divinity and opening up to the flow of living, life Source energy … for healing and bioregenesis.

Module 3.  Using Our Own Life Force Energy to Heal Our Selves


As Souls, we are created in Divine Perfection.

Yet, once in-bodied, we find OurSelves experiencing the opposite of Divine Perfection.

~ Our bodies are created to be healthy, yet we’re often facing ‘sickness’ and/or ‘disease’.

~ The Universe is infinite and abundant, yet we find ourselves facing scarcity and lack.

Why is this happening?

Distortions in our consciousness cause distortions in our reality.

False beliefs, misperceptions, incorrect assumptions, low-vibe energies (such as fear, guilt, doubt, anger, and shame) … anything that contradicts the Divine Design … prevents us from experiencing our Divine Perfection.

In this Module we will look at distortion … and how to recognize it and clear it from your energy field and consciousness … to set you on your way to restoring Your Divine Blueprint of Health, Vitality, and ALIVENESS.

By learning how to mitigate distortions, we become empowered, and we become Masterful Creators. As Masterful Creators, we realize that we can CREATE the health, happiness, and prosperity we desire.

Module 4. Recognizing and Clearing Distortions … to Restore Our Divine Blueprint


As incarnated Souls, we have been trained to beLIEve that we are physical Beings.

Unfortunately for us, this is a distorted beLIEf. It is not true.

The fact of the matter is that we are non-physical beings. We are Angelic Souls who are infinite and eternal … having an adventure in physical form.

As Souls, our Bodies are made of energy and Light. We each have a LightBody … which we have been taught to ignore (because it’s not readily seen by our physical eyes). This LightBody is an integral part of Who We Are … and its architecture determines the architecture of our physical bodies.

Any distortion in the physical body begins with a distortion in the LightBody.

In order to fully heal the physical body … we have to restore the architecture of the LightBody … first.

In this Module we’ll look at the LightBody and make it easy-to-innerstand. We’ll continue our discussion on distortions and show you how to start clearing the distortions from your LightBody to restore its Divine Architecture so that your Health and Vitality can be restored.

Module 5.  The LightBody: the Divine Architecture of the Non-Physical Self


Speaking of the Divine Design … Did you know that there is a template of Universal, BioLOGICAL Laws that the functioning of our bodies is based upon?  These Laws were discovered in the 1980s by a German doctor, yet the medical model does not yet recognize these laws.

In this Module, we’ll unveil the distortions … so that you can SEE the Divine, Self-Healing Design at work in your own Body … so that you can empower yourself with new and better knowledge to help put YOU back in charge of your body’s health.

Module 6. The Truth about Disease - the BioLOGICAL Laws of the Self-Healing Body

This course is designed to meet each student wherever you are at and bring you further than you thought you could go.


When it comes to medicine, there is a Divine Design for that as well.

But are we Aware of what the Divine Design is? … or are we simply following the ‘prescription’?

While both can be helpful, it pays for us to become aware of the difference between Big Pharma’s prescriptions and Nature’s medicine.

There is more to medicine than meets the eye!

Let’s take an objective look at both natural medicine and chemical medicine, to discover how we can make the healthiest decisions for Our Selves … rather than simply ‘following doctor’s orders’.

Module 7. Medicine: The Divine Design


There is so much emphasis placed on managing our health … yet so many of us are still unwell.

Why is this?

What if a simple shift of Perspective can make all the difference?

What if we have far more capacity to keep ourSelves healthy than we’ve been conditioned to beLIEve?

And what if, by focusing on our bodies … we’re overlooking our Being … and by overlooking our Being … we end up BE-ing un-well?

What if WellBeing is not a ‘thing’ to be obtained … but, rather Who We Are by Nature? What if we ARE Well Beings … by design?

What if WellBeing if far simpler than we’ve been lead to beLIEve?

In this Module we dive deep into this juicy topic to show you that you already ARE that which you are seeking!

Module 8. Managing Your Health v. Managing Your State of Being


Module 9. Quantum Entanglement: How to Un-tangle Our Selves from the Things that are Making Us Un-well

One of the most powerful things we can do for our Selves and our health is to both recognize (become aware of) and step away from the things that are making us un-well.

Did you know that how YOU feel … may be a projection of how others feel about you?

Can you recognize thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are not yours … even when You are the one experiencing them?

How can you stand strong in your power and say ‘No!’ to pressures from the outside world?

In this Module we will be taking a look at:

~ how to interact with family members who may not be as supportive as we would like

~ how to step away from the control structure systems that keep us stuck

~ quantum entanglement: what it is, how to recognize it, and how to dis-entangle Our Selves when needed

 MODULE 10  

As Souls, we are here to emBODY the fullness of Who We Are.

You are here to be the most fully-integrated (with Source) version of Your Self so that You can Shine Your LIGHT onto the darkness and transmute it once and for all, which will not only allow YOU to fully heal, but will allow the Earth to fully heal as well.

In this Module, we’ll be talking about what it takes to fully heal … and how simple the process really is.

‘Simple’ does not always mean it’s easy, yet healing is far less complicated and scary than it’s often made out to be.

We’re here to show you the power that you already possess … to bring YourSelf back into a state of health, happiness and vitality.

Module 10. Allowing Your Self to Heal Completely


As you heal Your relationship with Your Self … you begin to step into your Soul’s purpose. You start living in a higher octave of existence … as Your Higher Self. You start seeing from a grander perspective, and you begin to think in broader, more far-reaching, universal perspectives.

Living Your Best Life … in service to the greater good … becomes a natural way of life and living. You begin to realize that there is far more to life than meets the eye, and that there is a far more kind, loving, peaceful and JOYFUL way to BE in this world than we have previously known.   

As you take the steps to heal Your Self, you will also be healing everything around you.

In this Module we will help you to see the bigger picture of what is possible. We’ll discuss what being healed looks like … for You, for humanity, for the Earth and for all the Life forms upon her. We’ll look at what this will take, and how YOU can help to streamline the planetary process.

You are far more powerful than you realize! … Isn’t it time to real-ize Your power?!

Module 11. EmBODYing Heaven … Living Your Soul’s Purpose


In this wrap-up week, we’ll look at how far you’ve come, what you’ve learned, how you’ve grown, and what you plan to do as you move forward.

You’ve grown and changed in remarkable ways, broken through barriers that had you stuck, and You are now experiencing the Wholeness of Your Being.

You now understand that healing is not only possible, it is your Divine Design. You are a Healer … by nature.

How you take this forward is up to you.

What are your next steps?

How will you maintain your momentum and step into your Souls Purpose?

We’ll make sure you have a clear plan, so your next steps lead you to your healthiest and best LIFE.

Module 12. Next Steps: Moving Forward

Lisa and Maura helped me remember who I really am and gave me hope that I can trust my body to heal. I am grateful for their support.
Lisa and Maura helped me heal myself. Their intuitive guidance led me to discover what was the cause of my physical pain, then I received the tools to leave the pain behind me for good.
It’s so wonderful to be able to heal without fear, worry or concern and to approach it all with curiosity!

What’s Included:

~ 12 Module Course Workbook

~ 12 Weekly Module Content Videos

~ 12 Weekly LIVE discussion Sessions with Lisa and Maura

~ 12 Weekly Guided Meditations

~ Direct access to Lisa and Maura in Private Telegram Group

~ Additional Tools and Bonuses for Tracking Your Progress, Deepening Your Experience and Supporting Your Healing Process

Book an Enrollment Call

Book a 20-minute Enrollment Call with Lisa and Maura to find out if this experience is right for you.

Lisa and Maura are offering this Transformational Experience at an Introductory Price!


Introductory Price!

$3,000 with 3 payments

Save even MORE with one payment!

$2,500 with 1 payment

40% OFF


40% OFF 〰️

Do you have questions?


We would love to chat with you.

Click HERE to Book a 20-minute Enrollment Call with Lisa and Maura to find out if this opportunity is right for you.

Our Mission

By 2030, we have shifted 144,000 men and women from fear to love, activated their ability to Self-heal, and aligned them with their soul purpose.

  • Lisa Warner is a consciousness shifter, awakener and change-maker, and creator of Whole Being Healing. She’s the award winning, international bestselling Author of “The Simplicity of Self-Healing”, now in its 10th Anniversary Edition. She is also featured in the 7-time Award Winning documentary ‘the INside effects: How the Body Heals Itself’ as well as in the upcoming TV Series: ‘Navigating the Clickety-Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World’.

    She wrote her own book after healing her body from ‘cancer’ naturally, without the use of the medical model. During her journey of self-healing, she learned that ‘cancer’ is NOT the ‘problem’ that it is made out to be. Once she was able to see beyond the medically-accepted assumption of ‘killer disease’, she was able to see the Divine intelligence of her body and why it had produced those symptoms, at which point she was able to activate its self-healing capabilities.

    Lisa is passionate about showing us who we truly are … Angels in human form … who are a perfect combination of body, mind and soul … divinely designed for ‘disease-free’ LIVING. 

    Her core message is that the power to heal our Selves is imbedded within our Consciousness … and that healing the body is literally an inside job. 

    Her ‘Lunch with Lisa’ and ‘Awake, Aware, ALIVE!’ (co-hosted with Maura Leon S) air weekly on YouTube to help shift consciousness and open our Awareness to the Grand Creator Beings of Light and Love We Are and the innate power we have to Create Heaven on Earth. 

    Lisa is a bright light and a difference maker who helps her clients transcend ‘disease’ as they EmBODY their Soul.

  • Maura Leon S. is a bestselling author, vibrational artist, relationship expert, and co-creator of Whole Being Healing. Her healing music was part of the 7-time Award Winning documentary, the INside effects: How the Body Heals Itself and she is featured in the upcoming TV Series, Navigating the Clickety-Clack: How to Live a Peace-Filled Life in a Seemingly Toxic World.

    Since healing herself from a life-threatening medical diagnosis 20 years ago, Maura has gone on to create success in all areas, including radical self-love, awesome relationships, transformative physical fitness, a difference-making business, and a powerful spiritual connection.

    Maura is committed to supporting others in their self-healing process and creating a world in which we all experience the peace, love, and well being that is who we really are and how life is meant to be.