Choosing Your State of Being Guided Meditation


In this meditation Lisa takes you to a place of pure appreciation for Earth and all that it provides for us. Connecting us back to the place in which we came from and appreciating how we fit so naturally on this earth.

This meditation also brings us into the awareness of our own personal energy field and how we can control the energies that come in, go out, and are created in that space. She guides you to clear any and all of the energies that don’t belong to you and are no longer serving you. In this meditation she provides tools to manage your own energy space so you can begin to create the experience you desire with your energy.

Lisa guides you to return back to your authentic energy and gives you tools to clear out all of the energies that are holding you back and weighing you down. She helps you to recognize your own light ... as the non-physical Being of Light You Are.

Meditation length- 17minutes 7seconds

Meditation suggestions:

1. Listen to this meditation in a quiet space with no interruptions

2. Allow yourself to receive the information in this meditation with neutrality and openness.

3. Keep in mind you are the empowered creator of your world. This meditation is designed to help you remember this. Please use it wisely!

4. Listen to this meditation many times over the next weeks and months, as the more you listen, the deeper it will take you into Your Self.

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