From Wondering… To Knowing

When I found myself facing ‘cancer’ some years ago, my mind was terrified! It looked at what was happening in my body and went directly into FEAR!

But something inside told me that healing was natural and that I could do it myself. That ‘something’ turned out to be the SOUL … my Higher Self … my Inner Guidance.

At the time, I had no idea what to do to heal myself. Everyone else I had ever hear of who had faced anything like this had gone the traditional medical route … with varying degrees of success. Some had survived, while many had not. I didn’t know of anyone who had healed themselves on their own. So it seemed like I was taking a very big risk.

In the beginning, I spent a lot of time wondering … wondering what to do, where to start, which direction to go.

In the beginning, I spent a lot of time wondering … wondering what to do, where to start, which direction to go.

I wondered: what made the difference between those who had healed … and those who hadn’t? 

I wondered: why does the body heal itself when a bone breaks or we get a cut or sprain … but it doesn’t seem to heal ‘diseases’?

I wondered: if chemo, radiation and pharmaceuticals are not always successful, why should I put myself through these things if the outcome isn’t guaranteed?

I wondered: why don’t doctors talk about herbs and other natural remedies?

I wondered: am I just being stupid?

I wondered about a whole lot of things!


But all of my wondering paid off. It opened my mind. It heightened my awareness. It allowed me to be curious. And it allowed for the answers to appear

I notice in today’s world that many people fail to wonder … and they simply move forward by following a path that is laid out for them by others … without questioning the path. I see that A LOT these days. 

I see people doing all kinds of things that may seem to make sense at first glance … but when we dig a little deeper, we see that they don’t really make sense at all.

During my health crisis, I learned some extremely valuable lessons.

During my health crisis, I learned some extremely valuable lessons.

  • I learned that there is great value to be gained by questioning the ‘accepted and expected’ paths.I learned that there is absolute LOGIC and ORDER to the Universe and that when we understand how the Universe works, we can use Universal Laws to re-create our realities. 

  • I learned that our bodies really DO heal themselves … every single time … when we understand their Divine Design and can TRUST them to!

  • I learned that our bodies are designed to heal themselves … and the medical model is designed to sell pharmaceuticals. (This was a shocking realization when I finally saw it clearly!)

  • I learned that the idea that our bodies are being ‘attacked’ by diseases is a complete misperception.

And most importantly … I learned how to TRUST MySelf … and my Body! 

This was, by far, the greatest prize, and a prize that I wish for EVERYONE to win! 

For this is the Prize that will allow us to become the highest-vibration, most conscious version of OurSelves, which is what will SET HUMANITY FREE and allow us to create Heaven on Earth. 

The ability to KNOW Your Self and TRUST Your Body is most valuable prize of them all.

It is now my great honor to help the ones who are ‘wonderers’, too. The ones who are ready to question the systems and are ready to heal their own bodies. The ones who are ready to connect to the Wisdom of their Soul for ultimate WellBeing.

If this sounds like you, and you’d like direct guidance on your healing journey, I offer complimentary 30-minute consultations where I will help you to see what the medical model can’t show you. Schedule a time here:

Thanks for being here!

I look forward to connecting further with you!


Planting the garden of you