Planting the garden of you

Happy May!

Spring is the time for new growth and planting. Here, in the northern Adirondack Mountains, May is the time when gardeners emerge from their winter dens to start preparing and planting their gardens, planning for a bountiful harvest of colors and/or tastes to present themselves as the summer unfolds.

What the gardener does early in the season sets the tone for the harvest, so the more thorough the planning and prep work, the better the results are likely to be.

Now, if we translate this over and look at the Gardens of our Lives ... what are you ‘harvesting’ right now? And what seeds were planted ... that have now grown into your current circumstances?

You see, as humans, we’ve simply been told that we have to ‘do that best with what we’ve got’... yet, we’ve never been told how to ‘get’ what we would like to HAVE. You see, life is like a garden ... we reap what we plant. And what do we plant?

... We ‘plant’ ENERGY!

We are Creators ... and we create with energy and intention ... whether we’re aware of it ... or not!

It’s really a very simple equation: if we ‘plant’ FEAR, then we’ll reap fear-based circumstances. If we plant ‘doubt’ ... we’ll end up doubting ourselves and each other. If we plant ‘what’s wrong with me’ ... we’ll ‘reap’ an answer in the form of a ‘disease’, or an embarrassing situation, or a personal ‘failure’ of some sort that will show us ‘what’s wrong with us’.

You see, We are Creators ... and we create with energy and intention ... whether we’re aware of it ... or not!


In every minute of every day, we’re sending energetic signals to the universe, telling it what we want. Unfortunately, most of us have never been taught this, so our lives seem like sets of random occurrences. Yet, nothing is random! The universe is directly matching our energy!

Before I found myself facing ‘cancer’ … I had unwittingly been ‘sowing the seeds’ of struggle and uncertainty with feelings of rejection and unworthiness. I had always looked at things very differently from almost everyone else around me, and I was often misunderstood. I was really struggling with trying to make sense of this world and where I fit in. I was trying to fit myself into a world that didn’t make sense to me. By trying to change myself to fit in … I lost my authentic Self. I had fallen out of alignment with my Soul. The garden of my Soul had become overgrown with weeds.

I knew that ‘Cancer’ was my wakeup call. It was time for me to remember Who I Was. It was time for me to come back into Alignment with my internal compass. I had to ‘weed my garden’ to clear out the energies and ideas that weren’t mine. I had to bring myself back into Alignment with … ME!

I intuitively knew that my body was struggling because *I* was struggling. I knew that if I could bring myself back into Alignment, that my body would re-align itself accordingly. And of course, that’s exactly what happened, because that’s the Divine Design.

In the process of bringing myself back into Alignment, I learned about the important role that energy plays. I learned how to ‘weed my garden’ by clearing out the energies that weren’t mine. No one had ever told me about energy before, but once I began studying Alchemy and learned how to use energy, I quickly realized how important it is to become masterful with Energy. Once I learned how to effectively work with energy, my reality began to change quite rapidly and my health returned. Becoming masterful with energy is perhaps the greatest gift we could ever give ourselves … because when we become skillful with using energy … we can consciously create our reality!

The medical model tells us that if we’re struggling with our health, that there’s something wrong with our bodies. But on my journey, it became abundantly clear to me that there was nothing wrong with my body … it was simply reflecting the fact that I had fallen out-of-alignment with My Self. I had too many weeds growing in the garden of my Soul … I was carrying around energies of guilt, doubt, shame and unworthiness that weren’t mine to carry. Once I learned how to clear those out, my thinking became clearer and started to feel like MySELF again!

Have you fallen out-of-alignment? Are other people’s ideas about who and how you ‘should’ be … growing as weeds in the Garden of YOU and negatively impacting your health?

Aligning with Your Radiantly Healthy Self: A Course in Self-Mastery is a 90-day program to show you how to ‘weed the garden of You’ and bring yourself, and your body, back into Radiantly Healthy Alignment.

Click here to schedule a conversation to discover if Aligning with Your Radiantly Healthy Self is right for You!


Letting go of the energies that are causing dis-ease


From Wondering… To Knowing