The Role of INNER PEACE in Healing
Speaking as One Who has healed my body from ‘cancer’ naturally, without using the medical model, I can tell you first-hand that I learned some very surprising things along my healing journey!
First and foremost, I learned that Healing IS NOT what I thought it was!
I thought that healing meant feeling gradually better every day as we see the symptoms subside. Oh, how wrong I was!
I learned that healing is the hard part … the painful part … the uncomfortable process that occurs when the body re-structures itself.
I learned that pain means healing (pain = healing!)
I learned that pain and discomfort are some of the first signs of HEALING … rather than signs of ‘disease’ … and that once we recognize (re-cognize) pain and discomfort as signs of healing, we can stop battling the healing … and actually HEAL … no ‘battle’ necessary.
We live in a society that has been programmed for ‘battle’.
We have been taught to fear and distrust ‘those people over there’ because they are ‘the enemy’. We are fooled into beLIEving that there even IS such a thing as an ‘enemy’ … because ONENESS … the ONE ‘I AM’ is the ultimate Truth. We cannot BE separated Source, therefore there is no ‘other’ … so no ‘enemy’. Therefore, we’re only battling Our Selves.
We have been programmed to fear pain. We’ve been conditioned to beLIEve that pain is ‘bad’; that it’s the ‘mark of the enemy’; that we must eradicate it at all cost. Yet, it is exactly these thought patterns that serve to generate resistance … that actually block the healing process and often prevent healing altogether. We’re taught (again) to fear what’s happening inside our Own Bodies.
As long as we’re willing to fear our own bodies … and give our power away to its changes (by labeling them as ‘disease’ and the ‘enemy’) … we will continue to suffer. The END of suffering comes when we restore our TRUST and LOVE in both Our Bodies, and Our SELVES.
The BODY is reflecting the State of BEing.
To change the BODY … You must first change how You are BEing.
You can be ‘sick’ … AND … You can be healing.
It’s literally a matter of CHOICE.
The symptoms are the SAME.
If you see them as ‘disease’ … then so it is.
If you see them as ‘healing’ … then so it is.
BOTH experiences are REAL,
… but only ONE of them is TRUE; the other is the illusion. … Be careful which one You choose to SEE!
YOU are the ONLY ONE Who can see/feel/notice what’s happening inside your Body and your Mind … therefore YOU are the ONLY ONE who can ‘fix’ it. And by ‘fix’ I mean: to re-adjust Your Frequency (change your focus) to the ‘channel’ that will provide the proper (peaceful, calm, happy, certain) environment for re-balancing/healing to take place.
If you wish to experience vibrant health … then you must be willing to GENERATE a high enough frequency (i.e., peaceful, calm, happy) to be able to experience feeling vibrant and alive.
Healing is the by-product of BALANCE.
Healing is the by-product of FEELING GOOD about Your Self and Your Body.
Healing is the by-product of becoming Masterful with generating a vibrant State of Being.
If You’re to heal as a human, then Body, Mind and Soul must be in BALANCE and Alignment with the TRUTH of Who You Are (an Infinite, Being of Radiant Light … here on Earth animating a physical form) … not the False Matrix-programmed Self that lives in varying states of fear and self-doubt. You’ll have to learn to LOVE and TRUST all parts of Your Self … including your physical Body.
If we’re to heal as a society, we have to break the programming we’ve received so that we can see clearly that there is NO ‘Enemy’! We have to STOP looking for ‘enemies’ … and start SEEING the Grand Beings of light that we are. We have to STOP battling each other and our own bodies. We’ve got to treat Our Selves with the RESPECT that we deserve in order to be treated with Respect from ‘others.’
On my healing journey, I learned that we do not have to heal the body … the body is perfectly capable of healing itself! In fact, it is specifically designed, by the Divine Creator/God/Source Itself, to do exactly that.
Our ‘job’, when it comes to healing the body … is to GENERATE AN INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT of WellBeing (Peace, Ease, Joy, Harmony, etc.) … so that ALL PARTS OF the SELF (body, mind and soul) can function at optimal capacity. In other words, our ‘job’ is to BE … the Divinely-created, naturally WELL Beings of LIGHT We Are! Our ‘job’ is to BE Our RADIANT Selves … then ‘health’ becomes the natural by-product.
When we heal Our SELVES, our BODIES then heal themselves … automatically.
If we are not BE-ing the Truth of Who You Are, Our BODIES will REFLECT the fact that we have allowed our LIGHT to dim. Meaning: that the Body will show us when we are distorting ourselves in some manner; or when we are allowing low-vibe, negative, dark energies to invade our thought space …. which are STEALING Our Living Life Force Energy and causing Our Light (our Joy, Peace, Ease, Curiosity, etc.) to dim/diminish.
The physical BODY is simply showing us WHERE the darkness (fear, doubt, confusion, worry, anxiety, thoughts of ‘I’m not okay’, ‘there’s something wrong with me’, etc.) has gotten in and is dimming our Light. As Humans, we have simply been CONDITIONED to beLIEve that our bodies are either ‘malfunctioning’, or are ‘being attacked’ by ‘diseases’ … when they’re actually providing us valuable feedback. We’re simply taught to fight the ‘feedback’ … at great expense … for someone ‘else’s’ great profit$.
If we are to survive and THRIVE as a healthy humanity, we have to change this pattern.
As the Grand Beings of Light we truly are … we are ONE with God/Source/Universe. We are made of Its Substance. No difference … only differentiation within the Oneness. We’ve been given individuated Existence as Unique Souls … AND … We can merge into Oneness with Source AT WILL … any ‘time’ we choose … as many times as we choose.
There is a false perception amongst humanity that the only time that we can Rest in Peace … Rest in the infinite Love of God/Source/Creator/Universe Itself … is when we ‘die’. We are tricked into beLIEving that we have to give up our bodies in order to merge back into the Oneness. This is a LIE. It is a FALSE MATRIX beLIEf to keep us from fully Re-membering Our Selves as God/Source/Creator by relaxing into the Oneness for much needed restoration.
Merging back into the Oneness is the ULTIMATE ‘med bed’ experience!
… And it’s FREE!
We’re welcome to merge back into the healing/re-balancing frequencies of the Unconditional Love and Light of Source Itself any time we choose! And each time we choose to merge with Source, and allow ourselves to actually experience the merging … we generate more Personal Light, more Inner Peace and Harmony, more Love, More Joy, and More Healing.
In the Oneness, Inner Peace begins to take hold … and it begins to Radiate forth from Our Auras. We become walking ‘Light Beacons’ … emanating Peace, Love and Light wherever we go; emanating a field of coherence that overrides the chaotic frequencies of fear and doubt and all of the other negative frequencies … helping to smooth out the chaotic energies of the Collective everywhere we go; raising the Vibration of the hologram so Earth can move back into the Light and we can experience Peace on Earth with a society filled with prosperous and vibrant Well Beings.
Peace on Earth starts with Peace within … and continues as we each choose to experience nothing less than that for Our Selves.
Are YOU willing to experience INNER PEACE … to heal the world?