It’s Time to Rise ABOVE ‘Disease’
You absolutely CAN Heal YourSelf.
In fact, you’re the ONLY One who can!
… unless, of course you beLIEve that You can’t, in which case, you absolutely can’t.
“Whether You think you can, or you think you can’t … you’re right!” ~ Henry Ford
When I found myself facing ‘cancer’, I instinctively knew that there HAD to be a way to heal myself naturally without using the medical model … but I had no idea what that would look like.
I was scared.
I was scared of what was happening to my body.
I was scared of chemo and radiation.
I was scared of suffering a long, slow decline.
I was scared of dying.
I was scared that I was making a mistake by rejecting the medical system.
I was scared of not succeeding.
I was scared that I would die before I had the chance to really LIVE.
Not only was I scared … I was also ANGRY!
I was angry that this was happening to me.
I was angry at my body for ‘betraying’ me.
I was angry that just as I was finally learning how to do the inner work, ‘cancer’ appeared on the scene and threw a monkey wrench in the process.
Are you noticing some patterns here? … My life was filled with negative emotions!
Fear, anger, resentment, unworthiness and other negative emotions were driving the ‘bus’ … and were shaping not only my Reality, but my BODY, too!
I instinctively knew that these negative emotions were at the core of the issue. I knew that if I was actually HAPPY, AT EASE and completely COMFORTABLE within my Self, that my Life would be completely different, as would health. That was obvious to me.
I knew that these negative emotions (along with others like shame, frustration, and self-doubt) were illusions … human misperceptions. I knew that at the Soul level, the answers to my problems would be evident. The Masterful Soul knows how to live a life of ease, joy and abundance.
I knew that these negative emotions were coming from my ‘limited human’ perspective, and that my perspective had been shaped by the people and the world around me. I had learned these negative, counter-productive, self-defeating thought patterns. I realized that somehow, I would have to allow my limited perceptions to open up and expand … so that I could see through the eyes of my Soul. I knew that this would give me the expanded perspective I needed and would allow me to see the answers that I was seeking.
I knew that in order to heal my body and my life, I would have to activate my Mastery. I would have to allow myself to LET GO of everything I thought I knew … everything that I had been taught by other ‘limited humans’ … so that I could un-limit myself and my body and set my SOUL Free to start driving the ‘bus’ in a much happier, healthier and more productive direction.
I knew that I had to step Out of my MIND … and into my SOUL.
I had to let go of the programming I had received and move into the TRUTH of my eternal, Divine SELF.
For me, this was not easy … and I’m still learning, growing and expanding every day!
What I learned along the way to my healing was both powerful … and priceless!
It put ME in the driver’s seat of both my health … and my LIFE … and there is no dollar value that could possibly be put on that.
What I have learned will serve me for the rest of my days on this beautiful planet, and I hope will serve others as well.
I will never again live in fear of another ‘disease’.
I will never again be angry at my body or blame it for ‘betraying’ me.
I will never again have to rely on anyone else for my health.
From now on, I AM the Expert when it comes to my Body.
I now know how to handle fear, anger, doubt and any other negative emotion that comes my way … and clear them out … before they take hold in my body … or start to negatively impact my life.
What I learned on my journey is that our bodies are intelligently designed by Nature/God/Source/Prime Creator Itself … and that every single thing that they do is meaningful and meant to help us SURVIVE. They are designed to both produce … and heal … the very symptoms that the medical model looks at as ‘disease’ that we should fear and battle.
Our bodies respond to our every thought and emotion, and are constantly adjusting themselves accordingly in RESPONSE to the emotional stimuli they are receiving. Our bodies are NOT ‘being attacked’ by ‘diseases’ … but, rather, every.single.thing that our bodies do has a meaning and a purpose … and the purpose is for our survival. If we wish to change anything about our bodies, then we have to change the messages that we’re sending to them.
Until we are willing to change our perception of our bodies, and start looking at their Divine Perfection, rather than ’what’s wrong with them’, we will continue to be beholden to the ‘sick care’ system that we currently have, and will continue to be plagued by ‘diseases’ and ‘pandemics’ that are 100% avoidable with just some simple shifts of perception.