What’s LOVE Got To Do With HEALING?
You have to LOVE Your Body in order to HEAL Your Body.
“… Say whaaaat?!?”
Yes! You read that right!
In order to fully heal Your Self (so that You can feel good again) … you have to LOVE Your Self … fully.
… Including Your Body, just as it is.
“But my body is a mess! It’s ____ (old/fat/diseased/… fill in the blank) and I really don’t even like it, let alone LOVE it!”
Well then, it’s going to be very difficult (if not totally impossible!) to feel fantastic ever again. And feeling fantastic is actually how we’re meant/designed to feel!
Do you know WHY that is?
It’s because we are SOULS, first and foremost, who have incarnated into physical forms. These bodies are the forms that shape themselves in accordance with the experience We, as Souls, are having.
The first experience we have as we incarnate is that of infancy (newness), so the body reflects our first experiences as ‘infants’ (even though we are still Grand Beings of Light). All physical forms … trees, plants, animals, fish, birds … start out as very tiny versions of the mature forms, and then experience growth. Our physical bodies are no different. They then grow with us as we experience … GROWTH!
As Souls we are Beings of Love and Light. Love and Light is literally the ‘substance’ of which we are made. It is our nature to Love, and to BE Light, Happy and FREE. When we incarnate into physical forms, we are meant to emBODY the Love, Light and Freedom We Are.
However, on this planet, we are born into a society that is based on war, control, fear and scarcity. We are taught that we have to work in order to survive, and that we need to ‘fit in’ and ‘follow the rules’ and ‘do as we are told’ … all of which is very unnatural to us as Souls.
As Souls, we are naturally kind and loving, and provided for by God/Source and the Universe itself. We lack nothing. We have no occasion to have to ‘work hard’ or to suffer.
Yet, hard work and suffering have been normalized here on Earth. We, as humanity, have been convinced that war is ‘the way of things’ … that ‘those humans over there’ are the ‘bad guys’ that need to be vanquished, and that we have to ‘fight diseases’ in order to heal and to ‘fight for our freedom’ … none of which is true, or intrinsic to who and what we are.
Subsequently, We, the Grand Beings of Light, become traumatized in these bodies … and the trauma causes us to forget Who and What We Truly Are. So We learn to ‘do what we have to do in order to survive’ … in the midst of a very unhealthy, unbalanced and tyrannical societal structure.
Because we have not been able to remain True to Who and What we Are … we suffer … on many different levels. When the Love we naturally radiate out to others is unreciprocated, we feel unsafe, unseen, unheard and misunderstood. The traumas that occur cause us to close down our Hearts … so we build walls to try to protect the most seemingly vulnerable part four Selves. We begin to disconnect and isolate ourselves in an effort to keep ourselves safe … yet that has never really worked. Humanity as a whole feels more un-safe and un-well now, than ever before in human history.
More ‘battle’ is not the answer. We cannot battle our way to health … or to a more Peaceful, Happy and Thriving society … no matter how much the controllers want us to beLIEve that line of ‘reasoning’.
The Answer to all of the ‘ills’ of this world is … LOVE. It is in the remembering of Who and What We Are that we are able to take our power back and FREE Our Selves from the constructs of the soul prison society that has been created. It is in the OPENING OUR HEARTS BACK UP that allows our Souls to come fully into our bodies. It is when the Soul is fully IN the Body that we real.ize the fullness of Our Selves, at which point the ‘dis-ease’ dis-appears and we heal.
The Higher Self is the part of us that is Wise beyond measure. It is the part of our Selves that is in full communication with God/Source. It is this part of Our Selves that has Universal Wisdom and can make manifest any reality that we desire, including vibrant health.
As it now stands, the vast majority of us are operating only from our Minds … rather than from the vast Wisdom of the Soul. Our Minds have been programmed to follow the rules of the False matrix society, whereas our Souls are eternally FREE and exist in complete Harmony with God/Source/Universe … beyond the confines of societal structures.
It is in the EmBODYment of the Soul that we are able to use its power to HEAL our Bodies. Our Bodies are not ‘being attacked’ by ‘diseases’ … but, rather, they are adapting themselves to our inner ‘dis-ease’. Our Bodies are literally trying to help us to survive while showing us where we are holding onto trauma.
In order to heal … our bodies need to be LOVED. They cannot heal while we’re in states of fear, doubt, lack, etc. Our bodies need to feel SAFE and LOVED in order to feel GOOD again. They need US, as the Grand Beings of Light to BE Our True Selves once more.
‘Disease’ is BIG Business, therefore it is not likely to go away anytime soon if left to the multi-trillion dollar medical industry. Therefore it is up to each and every One of Us to learn to overcome this on our own. And we do this by learning how to BE the LOVE We Are (as Souls) … IN Our Bodies.