Self Healing: The Path to Restoring Paradise
We are Multi-Dimensional BEings… with Bodies, Minds, and Souls.
We are BOTH Human and Spirit.
We are Physical and non-Physical alike.
The multiple parts of our Selves are quantum-entangled and cannot be divided or separated. Yet, most of us exist as if this is the case … we exist as if we are human and NOT divine, physical and NOT pure Spirit!
When our physical bodies show signs of ‘dis-ease’ … it is simply ASSUMED that either the body is malfunctioning, or that it is being attacked by a ‘disease’. Neither of which is actually True, even though it APPEARS as if this is what’s happening.
When we look only at the physical appearance of things, we’re missing the bigger picture. We’re not seeing what’s happening Behind the SEEN’s. We’re not paying attention to the un-SEEN components that are generating the ‘scene’.
What we LOOK AT is what we SEE.
How we interpret what we see is up to us.
How we interpret what we see determines how we feel about what we see, and how we feel determines our course of action. If we feel good, we’ll be relaxed and in the flow. If we feel afraid, we’ll put our ‘shields up’ and go into defensive mode and react through our lens of fear. Fear causes us to hyper-focus on the perceived danger. This is a built-in mechanism to keep us safe from predators. It is meant to be felt in the moment … and then let go of as soon as we remove ourselves from the direct threat.
Yet, the vast majority of today’s fears are NOT ‘direct threats’, so we can’t move ourselves away from them. Thus, we get ’stuck’ in the fear cycle. We fear death, destruction, financial disaster, climate disasters … which we are constantly shown on TV, news, social media, movies, etc. Our current society is steeped in fear … thus, if we feel fear, we will have a very difficult time removing ourselves from these ‘threats’. Therefore, a vast portion of humanity lives in constant, varying states of fear (or anxiety, anger, rage, doubt, guilt, shame, etc … all of the ‘messages’ that are broadcast through the collective consciousness on a daily basis).
By looking only at what is presented to us on the surface … we SEE death, destruction and devastation all around us, because that is what is being shown to us. Yet, we are under NO OBLIGATION to LOOK AT those images. If we focus on them, it is by our own choice. There are plenty of other, far more wonderful, uplifting and amazing things that we can focus our attention on… which will generate a far more pleasing and empowering reality!
We are Creator Beings … we create (generate as our physical experience) that which we focus upon.
When we’re focused on the appearance of things … we’re overlooking the thoughts, feelings and emotions that are combining to generate the physical circumstance.
If a child is told by a parent or teacher that he is stupid at 7 years old … and he believes it … he will live the rest of his life looking through the lens of “I’m stupid”. And even though that is NEVER true, that will become his experience. His whole life will reflect that one, erroneous beLIEf that was not even his to begin with. This is how powerful our beliefs are!
Now, let’s transfer this to the current medical system and our bodies:
When a ‘scene’ presents itself as pain or something ‘abnormal’ in our bodies, the current system teaches us that ‘there’s something wrong with us’ or that we’ve got some ‘disease’. Sometimes it’s even that we’ve got a ‘killer disease’! … Yikes!
Now, guess what happens when we beLIEve these ‘diagnoses’?
… We move forward looking through that lens. “I have ‘..x..’”. And life unfolds exactly according to the prescribed scenario! More doctor’s visits, more tests, more prescriptions, more pills, more suffering, more waiting rooms, more forms to fill out, more fear-worry-doubt-anxiety … and on, and on … according to plan.
But what happens when we STOP beLIEving in these ‘diagnoses’?
What happens when we look a little further … beyond the surface appearance that the body is showing us … and we SEE past the lie?
What happens to the 7-year old who doesn’t believe the lie that says he’s stupid?
What happens when he inherently knows his value and his Soul’s purpose for incarnating and ignores the words that tell him he’s stupid and he simply Lives his God-given BRILLIANCE, instead?
We are WHOLE Beings … Body, Mind and Soul. We cannot look ONLY at the body and make any kind of accurate assumptions! We have to take the Whole Being into consideration … because the Body never changes on its own; it is ALWAYS adapting to its Environment.
We are WHOLE Beings … Body, Mind and Soul. We cannot look ONLY at the body and make any kind of accurate assumptions! We have to take the Whole Being into consideration … because the Body never changes on its own; it is ALWAYS adapting to its Environment.
When our bodies are producing tumors, for instance … those extra cells are NEEDED by the body. They are serving a purpose and performing a function. They are there because they are IN SERVICE to the body. They are the body’s RESPONSE to a perceived threat. This is proven science that is irrefutable. The 5 Biological Laws are the Universal Laws that govern our Biology. Yet, this is not the science upon which the current medical system is based.
Thus, humanity is in a very precarious position. Do we continue down the never-ending pathway of pills … or do we change our beLIEfs and bring our Consciousness back into Alignment with Laws of Nature?
We are in the midst of the Great Awakening … the most profound Shift of Consciousness ever experienced. The time has come for us to Heal the Wounds that have divided us from our True Nature as Divine Beings, and restore the Health and Vitality of not only our Selves, but of our beautiful planet as well.
As we each take responsibility for healing our Selves, we also help to heal our beautiful planet and all Life upon her.
Are YOU ready to Restore Paradise?