The Power of Our MINDS
If our BODIES are designed to HEAL THEMSELVES … then why are so many people stuck with ‘chronic’ or ‘incurable’ health conditions? Why are so many people getting sick and dying … instead of healing?
Well, few must realize that … our Bodies CANNOT heal themselves when we don’t give them the chance!
We have been conditioned … by news story after news story, commercial after commercial, health insurance plan after health insurance plan … to ‘trust the doctor’ rather than to trust our own bodies. We have inadvertently thrown our Sacred, Self-Healing vessels under the ‘bus’ in lieu of the multi-trillion dollar ‘health care system’.
We have been trained to trust the system instead of trusting Our Selves. Like Pavlov’s dogs salivate when the bell rings, we run straight to the doctor at the first sign of an ache, pain or sniffle. We’re even trained to go to the doctor at least once a year for a ‘check-up’ even though we have no symptoms at all, because goodness knows, we can’t possibly know what’s going on inside our own Bodies!
But the problem is: that We CAN know our own Bodies!
We CAN discern and decipher for ourSelves what our bodies are doing.
We DO have the ability to bring our own bodies back into balance … naturally, by Our Selves … without the need for doctors and pHarmaceuticals.~ and on, and on …
When I found myself facing ‘cancer’ … I was terrified … at first!
The conditioning told me that I was ‘being attacked’ by a ‘killer disease’, so of course I was scared! Why would I not be … when the ‘experts’ all tell us that we have to have radical ‘treatments’ to ‘fight’ the ‘enemy within’, and we hear story after story of people being ‘killed’ by ‘cancer’?
“Did you hear? Poor so and so lost their battle with cancer” is a story far too many of us hear far too often.
… So of course I was afraid!
But frankly, at that darkest point in my life, I was more afraid of the ‘treatments’ than I was of dying. I saw what many of those ‘treatments’ did to people, and I saw many who did not survive those ‘treatments’.
Somewhere deep down inside, I KNEW that my Body could heal itself, so I decided to ‘take my chances’ and see if I could heal My Body MySelf.
My body had proven to me, time and time again, that it was designed to heal itself … every cut, bruise, break, sprain, cold, flu, and belly ache … in every. single. one. of those instances … my body had healed itself. So why on Earth would it have to be any different this time?
I decided to find my own answers.
I decided to take a ‘radical’ approach … I decided to look within for the SOULution.
I decided to dig deep … and un-cover the ‘secrets’ of Self Healing that my body held.
I knew that if I could get my body to heal itself, then its ‘secrets’ would be ‘secrets’ no more and I would then be able to simply call upon my body’s innate ability to heal itself any time I needed healing. Then I would be FREE, because then I would know for certain how to heal from anything … at which point I would never again need to rely on anyone else for my health. I would BE the Master of My Own Molecules once and for all … the way God/Source/Creator intended it to Be.
When I got QUIET and ASKED Higher Guidance to show me the answers … the answers came. And the answers were nothing at all like what my conditioned mind would have expected.
I was shown very clearly that ‘cancer’ is NOT some ‘killer’ on the loose … and that it is NOTHING to be afraid of! In fact, I was shown that it is part of the Body’s Divine Design … that the symptoms that are being labeled as ‘cancer’ and ‘disease’ … are actually biologically meaningful physical changes … that are needed in that moment for our survival.
But the Mind is a powerful tool … it can both create … and destroy … at will.
Unfortunately for humanity, our ‘will’ is not always our own. Our Minds have actually been programmed to work against us. We are being taught to give away our power … so that others can be ‘in power’. We don’t see this … until we see it … at which point, we learn how to take our power back and stop participating the ‘system’ that is creating havoc on the planet and in our personal lives.
We have the innate ability to CREATE the health, wealth and happiness that we desire. But we cannot do this if we beLIEve that we can’t. And we’ve been taught to beLIEve that we can’t.
We have been taught to beLIEve in ‘killer diseases’ … and that these ‘killer diseases’ are more powerful than we are … at which point we become ‘victims’ to these beLIEfs. ‘Killer diseases’ are an illusion, but the power of the beLIEf can literally drain all of our own power … all of our own Living Life Force Energy
This is the time of the Great Awakening. The ‘Earth Game’ is changing … and humanity is waking up to realize that nothing is as it seems. We’re beginning to see that ‘the powers that be’ are only in power because we GIVE THEM power and authority over us. The ‘experts’ are only ‘the experts’ because we’ve been taught to beLIEve that are. We’re beginning to see that we each have far more power than we have been allowed to know. And those of us who are Awakening to these facts, are taking our power back in all areas of our lives.
We are Grand Beings of Light … eternal Souls in human forms … and as Grand Beings of Light, we are perfectly capable of ‘governing’ our Selves. We’re perfectly capable of managing our own State of Being. We’re perfectly capable of BEing Healthy, Wealthy, Wise and HAPPY … and FREE from the Systems of oppression that have been used to entrap humanity in varying states of suffering for hundreds of thousands of years.
Millions of Starseeds, Light Workers and Way Showers are Awakening all across the planet … to lead humanity in a DIFFERENT direction … to lead us back to Our Divinity, back to our personal Sovereignty. It’s time for us, as humanity, to real-ize the Power that we truly have … to CREATE the lives of our dreams; to CREATE Heaven on Earth.
It is time for those who are ‘in power’ to step down from their ‘thrones’ and set humanity Free to live in PEACE and PROSPERITY. But it is only by WE, Our Selves, reclaiming Our Innate Power that this will happen. And the first step is for us to take command of our own Bodies and our own Lives.
Self Healing is a super power … that is embedded within each One of Us.
We have the innate ability to heal our health, our wealth, our relationships, and even to heal the Earth. But we cannot use this power when we completely disregard it … and we have been taught to disregard it! We have been trained to overlook our own innate intelligence.
We are trained to ‘ask your doctor’ … instead of asking our own Inner Guidance. Instead of asking our own Bodies. Instead of sitting quietly and noticing what is out-of-balance and re-balancing it Our Selves.
The time has come for this to change.
When I healed my Self, I changed the paradigm. I stopped looking to others to heal me … and I looked inside My Self for my own Answers … and there they were! I moved through the fear … and on the other side I realized that the fear was an ILLUSION. I realized that ‘cancer’ was literally nothing to fear. But if we don’t move past the fear and see the illusion … the illusion can, and usually does, kill us. Because our Minds are just.that.powerful.
We create our beliefs; we turn them into our reality. When we beLIEve that we’re ‘being attacked’ by a ‘killer disease’ … we turn that into our reality. But it doesn’t have to be this way!
Once I saw through the illusion, I healed without doctors, or diets, or pills, or ‘treatments’ of any kind. I healed naturally, and organically, and simply. All that I needed was the Shift of Perspective that allowed me to stop fearing my body … and allowed me to LOVE it and TRUST it, instead. And if I can do this, anyone can do this.
But not everyone will.
Not everyone is ready to Shift their Perspective.
Not everyone is willing to change their beLIEfs.
Not Everyone is ready to take responsibility for their own State of Being.
And certainly to everyone is ready to re-cognize that ‘cancer’ is an illusion!
But if you’re still reading this … it is highly likely that YOU ARE Ready!
If you’re feeling called to take your power back and become Master of Your Own Molecules once more, then WHOLE BEING HEALING might be just what the (non-)doctor ordered!
Whole Being Healing is a 12-week Course designed to show You how to take Your Power back from the ‘illusions’ … so that You, too, can become Sovereign and Empowered and FREE to BE Healthy, Wealthy, Wise and HAPPY.
You have the Power to BE these things … but will You?
Only You can answer this for Your Self!
You are a Grand Being of Light and Love … isn’t it time for You to actually BE that Truth?