Our Body’s Changes are (Bio)LOGICAL….but are WE?
Our biology is INTELLIGENT.
We’re told this right in the word: bioLOGICAL.
Yet, until very recently, humanity has not understood this intelligence (and still most do not).
Our Consciousness has been trained to simply assUme that any ‘unpleasant’ changes in our biology mean that our biology is ‘malfunctioning’ or ‘being attacked’ by some ‘disease’.
This blatant assumption (taking something for granted without proof) is what is fueling not only our own suffering, but is also fueling the multi-trillion dollar pHarmaceutical and medical INDUSTRIES that have us convinced that our bodies cannot survive without pills. Pills have become the ‘gold standard’ of ‘health’ … while nature’s very own medicinals that are created by Divine Design for the specific purpose of assisting our bodies when they are in need of support … are considered as ‘alternative’.
NATURE has become the ‘alternative’ to the world of SYNTHETICS. Lab-created Synthetics are a multi-Trillion Dollar INDUSTRY that has been used to lull us into the false beLIEf that counting the hours from pill-to-pill is ‘health’ … and that pills are what keep us alive. Can you see the backwards rationale?
This erroneous assumption is causing millions of unnecessary deaths every year … and is shortening our lives by decades, if not centuries. Yet, this false beLIEf is so deeply imbedded in our collective psyche … and is being non-stop re-in-FORCED through commercial advertisement (avert-eyes-ment), that only the most Awakened are currently able to see through the deception.
We are constantly being bombarded by stories of ‘disease’. Stories that are deeply embedded in, enhanced with and embellished by FEAR … of DEATH. FEAR is the Great ‘cattle prod’. Fear is used to get humans to act irrationally and do what the ‘experts’ are telling us to do. It takes great COURAGE and AWARENESS to see through this charade.
The ‘experts’ beLIEve that ‘diseases’ are real. Yet, what proof do they have?
When I found myself facing ‘cancer’ … I took a long, hard look at my situation.
I knew that my vastly deteriorated emotional state at the time (deep depression, anxiety, and perceptions of worthlessness, guilt, shame and rejection) was directly causing the deterioration of my physical health. That was CLEAR. And it was also CLEAR that chemo, radiation, pills and/or radical surgery were NOT going to lift my mood … at all. Therefore, it was also CLEAR to me that I had to take a DIFFERENT path to healing.
I was going to have to GO WITHIN and seek Guidance from Higher-Level Intelligence (the Wisdom of my Higher Self, my Soul, Mother-Father God, Source, Universe) so that I could find a deeper level of TRUTH than what we’re being told and sold by the medical model.
And that Truth came.
“Ask and it is Given” is Universal Law.
… We simply have be willing to ASK … and then be OPEN TO RECEIVE the Answer (meaning: quiet the Mind so that we can HEAR the Answers that are Present (pre-sent) in the SILENCE.
When I was able to RECEIVE the Answer … I very clearly saw that there was NOTHING ‘wrong’ with my Body … that my dear, sweet, precious Body was doing EXACTLY what it was being INSTRUCTED (IN-Structed … structured from within) to do. The ‘messages’ of fear, lack, doubt, shame, ‘there must be something wrong with me’, etc. that were running in constant loops inside my Mind and being felt inside my body … were telling the body what to do. My body was trying to HELP me … by changing itself according to INstruction.
At the moment I realized (real-eyes’d) what was happening, it was instantly clear that I was NOT ‘being attcked’ by any ‘disease’. It was clear that ‘disease’ is an ILLUSION. It’s not real. It is assumed. It’s not what’s happening within our Biology. Our Bodies are Bio-LOGICAL … and are doing exactly what they are needing to do, given the IN-structions they are being given.
At the time of this Awareness, I knew that that was TRUTH. And I also knew that humans who are programmed to beLIEve in ‘disease’ … this Truth may not be easily accepted. Humans need ‘proof’.
Fortunately, there was a great Human who also discovered this Truth … in his own YOUnique way … and subsequently did the scientific research to PROVE it, beyond the shadow of a doubt. Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer discovered the 5 BIOLOGICAL LAWS around 1980 … over 40 years ago. Yet his research was never embraced by the medical community because the ‘powers that be’ could see that their whole ‘cash cow’ mould of pills and medical procedures would collapse if the public knew the Truth and were subsequently able to get their Bodies to HEAL THEMSELVES … without the need for doctors or pills.
The Bio-Logical Laws prove that our Bodies are LOGICAL … and programmed for our SURVIVAL. They prove that our bodies are resilient, self-healing vehicles … and that it is 100% OUR Job to get them to heal … but addressing the mental and emotional conflicts that we’re housing.
Our Bodies … and our Realities … are being FORMED by our CONSCIOUSNESS. Period.
We are NOT our Bodies.
We are NOT physical Beings.
We are Eternal SOULS … non-physical Beings of Pure, Divine Intelligence.
As BE-ings, we … BE.
HOW We BE … WHO We BE… WHEN We BE … is completely up to Us. And completely our Choice.
Yet, when we come to Earth, we are given an I-dentity and told who we ‘be’, what to do, when to do it, how to do it, etc. Our Sacredness as Souls is completely overlooked … thus we FORGET as we enter the realms of Group-think Amnesia. We STOP using our Divine Intelligence in lieu of the ‘rational’ MIND that has been programmed to follow the rules … rules that we can easily see make abSOULutely NO Sense when we step back into our Soul-Level Wisdom. The rules that have been set up to PROFIT government and industry … at the EXPENSE of the masses.
What we are taught is ‘Logical’ … ‘ask your doctor’, ‘pay your taxes’, ‘earn a living’ , etc … become very ill-logical when seen from the Soul’s perspective. And we see how ‘sick’ our society .. and our polluted Environment … have become.
HEALTH … is NATURAL. ‘Dis-ease’ is not.
As long as we continue to participate in all of the things that are causing us worry, fear and stress … we will continue experience ill health. Until we realize the LOGIC of physical symptoms … and STOP Ass-U-ming ‘disease’ … we will continue to allow our Living Life Force Energy to be consumed by our fears and ill-logical actions.
We each have access to DIVINE INTELLIGENCE … Sacred, Universal WISDOM … yet if we don’t look for it within, we will never KNOW the Truth of our own MAGNIFICENCE … or the BRILLIANCE of our own Biology.
Are YOU willing to move beyond the programmed ‘group think’ mentality … into the WISDOM Of Your Own SOUL … and HEAL YOUR SELF?