The Time has Come … to Create Heaven on Earth!
We are SOULS … in human form; Grand Beings of Light and Love … choosing to experience Our Selves in physical form.
Every Soul is YOUnique. Every Soul has its own YOUnique frequency and Sacred Geometric configuration. And every Soul matches the frequency of Source … because we are created from the Light and Love of Source itself.
When we incarnate into physical form, we enter into a significantly lower frequency, which causes us to forget the wholeness of Who We Are as Souls. In this forgetting, we lose sight of our Divine Nature. We forget our Sacredness. We forget our Divine, Eternal Union with Mother/Father God.
When we come into human form, we forget Who We Are. We are given an ‘i’dentity by our parents, and we play out that role for our entire lives … thinking that that is Who We Are. Yet that ‘i’ is the false Self. It’s the little ‘i’ … not the Whole Self.
When we belIEve that the ‘little i’ is the wholeness of Who We Are, we miss out on the vast majority of possibilities that we have to choose from. We get locked into patterns of behavior that we’re taught as children, and we keep playing out the same stories of lack and limitation for our whole lives … unless we Awaken and start choosing differently.
When we Awaken, we real.ize that there is much more to Life (and to Our Selves!) than we have been lead to beLIEve … and we start discovering the rest of our capabilities along with possibilities that we weren’t previously aware of.
It is in the search for ‘more’ that we begin to turn our attention INWARD. It is then that we begin to re-cognize our connection to Mother/Father God-Source-Universe. It is then that we begin to discover the powers of transformation that are available to us. It is then that we start to notice the other non-physical dimensions of ENERGY that are available to us. It is then that we begin to realize that everything is energy and that everything we see in the physical realm comes from the non-physical realms (of Light, Frequency and Energy).
We exist in a Universe of infinite possibilities … yet we only see the ones that have already been made manifest. We don’t see the ones that have not yet been drawn into physical form, therefore we don’t believe that other possibilities exist. We don’t realize that ‘ask and it is given’ is simply how the Universe works, because we’ve been taught lack, limitation and unworthiness … which we’re then inadvertently ‘asking’ for with our vibration. The universe always meets us where we’re at … and provides what we’re ‘asking’ for. It cannot provide ‘miracles’ when we’re not a match for those ‘miracles’.
I knew that my vastly deteriorated emotional state at the time (deep depression, anxiety, and perceptions of worthlessness, guilt, shame and rejection) was directly causing the deterioration of my physical health. That was CLEAR. And it was also CLEAR The Great Awakening is upon us. The Universe is calling for us to expand our consciousness … to increase our scope of our Awareness … to move beyond the limitations we’ve been taught that are causing us to suffer.
We are NOT meant to suffer.
… We are meant to THRIVE!
Thriving can only happen when our Consciousness is a match to ‘thriving’.
If we can’t believe, imagine, or see that we are thriving, then we can’t thrive. Period. Consciousness is that powerful. Your Consciousness is that powerful.
We use our consciousness to shape our reality. What we think, believe, focus on, judge, criticize, fear, love … all of these and more serve to shape our reality. To change our reality, we must make changes in our consciousness … first.
Our Consciousness is infinitely flexible. It’s malleable. We can shape it into any configuration we choose. We have the ability to generate any type of reality we choose. We simply have to choose … and then adjust our consciousness accordingly; we have to expect our choice to come to fruition.
If I choose to BE a healthy, fit athlete … then I must express that version of My Self; I must think like I’m a healthy, fit athlete; I must move like a healthy, fit athlete; I must eat like a healthy, fit athlete. Anyone can do this. Even ‘old’ people. Yet most don’t believe they can, so they can’t. Even ‘old’ is just a beLIEf structure … that ‘structures’ reality accordingly!
When we become Masterful with shaping our consciousness, we become Masterful Creators.
When we become Masterful Creators, we easily create beautiful, healthy, joyful lives for ourSelves.
Health is not a ‘mystery’ … nor is it out of reach.
A healthy body is generated from a healthy Consciousness; a consciousness free from distortions; a consciousness that is at Peace. A consciousness that feels good about Life.
Through being shown images of danger, death and destruction all day every day by the media, we develop a warped sense of reality. These dark images infiltrate our consciousness and take a prominent place in our inner vision … allowing the darkness to appear ‘real’ … causing us to expect the dark ‘reality’ … which causes us to CREATE the dark reality. The dark reality then overshadows any BEAUTIFUL reality that we could be generating instead.
We’ve been trained to focus outward … on the dystopian world around us … while ignoring our own inner landscape; our own Inner Guidance. It is our innermost feelings that allow us to know when we’re aligned with our Truth … or not. When we’re aligned, life is beautiful; when we’re not … it’s not.
Creating Heaven on Earth is our Soul’s mission … and greatest JOY!
Yet our mission has been hampered by the darkness. We’ve strayed very far off-course. And the time has come for a ‘course correction’ … to bring humanity and our beautiful Earth ship back on course.
NOW is the time of the Great Awakening … when humanity awakens to realize that Heaven on Earth is well within our Power to CREATE. But we’re awakening to see that we’ve been tricked into giving our power away … which has generated the dystopian reality around us.
It is time for us to Awaken our Selves … and take our power back … by remembering Who We Are: Grand Creator Beings of Light and Love. It’s time for us to re-Align Your Selves with the Divine Truth of Who We Are … and shake off the distorted perceptions of the ‘little ‘i’’ … so that we can become the Grand Beings of Light and Love we Truly are.
It’s time for us to create Heaven on Earth.
Are you ready?