It’s Time to LEVEL-UP Our Reality!
The time has arrived!
The Age of Darkness is over.
The SHIFT is upon us.
Darkness has been the prevailing force on the planet for eons … causing war, poverty, ‘disease’, division, isolation, and many other very unpleasant scenarios.
NOW it’s time for the LIGHT to prevail!
NOW it’s time for a SHIFT of perspective that will allow everything to change.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
The intense chaos we’re seeing at the moment is the Age of Darkness fighting to survive. If we’re not aware of the bigger picture (that the Shift is occurring), it’s very easy to get caught up in the fray.
Peace on Earth is our Natural State. It’s the Original, Organic, Divine Design.
Peace on Earth is how it’s meant to be.
Earth was created to be a Paradise, but Paradise ‘fell’ when darkness crept into the Light of human consciousness and took hold.
Peace, harmony, joy, prosperity for ALL … is … NORMAL.
It’s EASY.
Being at PEACE … and HEALTHY … are our natural and normal States of Being.
Yet, those are no longer the ‘norm’ for most of society.
We have been enduring almost constant states of war on this planet … because there are people PROFITING from war. Those who are profiting from war keep WAGING war. They have most of humanity convinced that there are ‘enemies’ in other countries and that it’s self-preservation to kill them first, before they kill us. Humanity murdering humanity is NOT normal. This is a hypnotic state that’s been induced.
‘Sickness’ has also become normalized … and even expected. It’s even commercialized … with commercials and news stories on TV telling us about the latest ‘diseases’ … and what new pills, injections or treatments we need to invest in, in order to ‘combat’ these ‘ailments’.
We have rampant ‘disease’ because there are people PROFITING from ‘disease’.
Those who are profiting from ‘sickness’ have NO INTEREST in seeing us heal and walk away from their system. They need us to be ‘sick’ … and we’re complying! Until we STOP complying and learn how to heal our Selves, at which point we no longer need to participate in the sickness game.
So how have we been manipulated into war and sickness?
… Our CONSCIOUSNESS has been manipulated into expecting these things.
The ‘profiteers’ have been able to manipulate people’s consciousness through deception and ILL-You-sion.
To get people to expect ‘disease’, for example, they take perfectly natural and normal bioLOGICAL adaptations (changes the body produces to preserve itself in the face of unexpected shocks and traumas) and call them ‘diseases’ so that the consciousness will perceive ‘disease’ (which is scary) rather than natural change (which is not scary). That which our consciousness perceives to be true becomes our experience, whether it is actually true … or not. What we perceive and beLIEve becomes our reality.
Your Consciousness is generating Your experience.
My consciousness is generating my experience.
Everything we experience, we experience within our own Consciousness.
You cannot perceive anything outside of your own consciousness … therefore, your entire Reality is being generated from WITHIN Your own Consciousness.
The ’shape’ of our Consciousness determines the ’shape’ of our reality.
For each and every One of Us, our reality exactly matches our beliefs and expectations.
And the good news is, that, ultimately, we each possess the ability to be FULLY IN CHARGE of our Consciousness, therefore, fully in charge of the quality of our experiences! We each have the capacity to change any experience we are having, simply by changing the way we choose to perceive it.
When I found myself facing ‘cancer’ … I was able to get my body to heal itself once I real-ized (real-EYES-ed) that there was a completely different way of perceiving what was happening. I had the sudden Awareness that my body was not ‘being attacked’, but rather, was responding (adapting) to the emotional input it was receiving (from my negative thoughts, feelings and emotions). I suddenly realized that there was nothing to have to ‘battle’ … and that my body was intelligent and could heal itself … as soon as I became peaceful inside.
Once my Consciousness changed … then my reality changed.
Once I stopped seeing ‘disease’ … I then began to see the HEALTH that had been there all along.
We each have the intrinsic ability to reconstruct Our Realities in any WAY we choose … anyTIME we choose it. But We must CHOOSE … first!
If you would like to feel empowered, healthy, happy, peaceful and free … then you must choose those things.
You must choose to stand in your power and stop playing the victim.
You must choose to be happy.
You must choose to be healthy.
If you wish to experience some particular State of Being … I.e., healthy, wealthy, happy, peaceful, etc … then you must first choose it. It will not happen on its own. ‘Happiness’ will not fall out of the sky into your body. Health will not magically pop out of a pill. These are choices … and YOU must choose them … before you can experience them.
In order to choose, you must stop waiting for something to happen or change. YOU must make the changes and BE the changes You wish to experience. Choose first … experience next. Most people have this backwards … they feel that they can only BE ‘healthy’ or ‘happy’ after they are experiencing those things … which is why so many people are not having those experiences. People are looking for something in their reality to change … so that they can feel better. Yet they have to feel better first, before their reality can change.
The fact of the matter is that we are SOULS … Higher-Dimensional Beings of Light and Divine Wisdom … who have become convinced that we’re ‘mere mortals’.
We have been TRAINED to be ‘limited humans’. We have been TRAUMATIZED into victimhood. We beLIEve that life is a struggle … and that 80 or 90 years is a ‘long life’.
It’s time for us to WAKE OURSELVES UP and see what is actually happening here.
It’s time for us to recognize (re-cognize) Who We Really Are … so that we can access the POWER we actually possess … and turn this ‘sinking’ Earth ship ‘right-side-up’ once more. … It’s time for us to choose HEAVEN on Earth.
It’s time for a HEALTHY Earth and humanity.
It’s time for a THRIVING Earth and humanity!
It’s time for PEACE on Earth and good will toward all Beings.
In order for this to occur, we have to step ourselves UP into the next octave of our Selves.
It’s time to BE the Higher Self; the SOUL Self; the Self that is ONE with Source/Mother-Father God/ the ONENESS. The eternal Self that has no fear of ‘death’.
We each have greater, Grander ‘Selves’ that are simply waiting for us to InBody them!
This is what a TRUE Self-Healing Journey is. It’s the journey WITHIN … to HEAL the broken, shattered, fragmented pieces of Our Selves … and return Our Selves to WHOLENESS.
This is a Journey that only YOU, Your Self can take. No One else can do it for you.
But there are those of us who have already walked this path who can help guide you on the shortest, most efficient route … to avoid the pitfalls … and help to make the journey simple.
Self-Healing is simple. Yet it’s not necessarily easy … until you can make it so.
What if you could have a team of experienced Self-Healers to walk the path with you and help Guide you to your intended destination? … And what if they could make it fun? And what if they could help accelerate you along the journey so that it doesn’t have to take as long?
Coming in January … Whole Being Healing with Lisa Warner and Maura Leon S.
… A course for those of you who are ready to step your game up to a new level:
~ those who are DONE with being sick and tired
~ those who are ready for a NEW reality.
… a Reality created by YOU … for You.
… Your Realty YOUR way!
You have the ability.
… Isn’t it about time You TAP IN and turn it on?!