Healing: a Whole Being Activity

We all know the phrase that says: we are Body, Mind and Soul. This is true. Yet, Body, Mind and Soul are three parts of ONE WHOLE Being. These parts cannot be separated … without causing deep fractures within Our Selves.

As humans, we have been living life within a society that doesn’t recognize the existence of the soul. Living Beings (I.e., humans, trees, animals, etc.) are not regarded as sacred, or as having any intrinsic Wisdom. Society teaches that Children are completely without wisdom, and that they have to be taught in order to gain ‘wisdom’. This false assumption gives us a very shaky start in life.

As Souls, we choose to incarnate into a physical body in order to have certain experiences, yet it becomes almost completely impossible for us to get the Soul fully into the body. In order for us to BE Body, Mind and Soul … the Soul has to actually be Present! (Otherwise we’re just a Body with a Mind.)

The Soul is the infinite, eternal Self We ARE … always … even here in this physical realm. It is the wisest, most Divine and pure part of our Self. It is interconnected with Mother-Father God … the Source of all life. The Soul cannot die … but it also cannot live in such a low-vibe place such as Earth is at the moment.

The Soul cannot enter into the realms of trauma and drama, arguing and fighting, where there is crime and grime and islands of garbage floating in the oceans. This current situation of hell on Earth is no place for a Divine Soul. So we live our lives as ‘less than’ Who We Really Are … and wonder why we’re stressed and we don’t feel well.

The current control structure on Earth is designed to separate us from our Souls. It does this through induced trauma … such as war, taxation, daily fear-based news stories, forced medical procedures, travel restrictions, religious indoctrination, mind control programming and much more … with the result being a very ‘sick’ and oppressed society and planet.

2025 will be a pivotal year in turning this all around. I say this because it is already turning around … and 2025 is a ‘9’ year numerologically-speaking (2+0+2+5 = 9), and 9 signifies completion. The Age of Darkness is coming to completion and the LIGHT is being restored to the planet … which means that the LIGHT of our Own Divine Awareness will be restored to us in the coming times. This does not necessarily mean that all of humanity will Awaken fully this year (although it could!) … but more likely it will mean that a significant-enough number of humans will have brought a significant-enough portion of their Souls into their bodies that enough Divine Light and Wisdom from Source will be able to penetrate into the Earth realm to turn the tide of the current global ‘dis-ease’ around so that real, positive change can occur in the near future.

Heaven on Earth is the Divine Design. It’s the Natural state of Life on this planet. However, the consciousness on Earth ‘fell’ out of the Light of Source into the darkness a very long time ago, and humanity has been suffering the consequences ever since. But NOW is the time foretold, when we return to our Christed (pure, pristine, Divine) state of consciousness.

NOW is the time for deep Healing to begin. It’s time for us to restore (heal) our consciousness, so that we can heal our Bodies, and restore our health and the health of the planet. We cannot heal our Bodies without also considering our Minds and our Souls (our Higher Consciousness)!

This process is incumbent upon each of us to be willing to allow our Consciousness to shift … from the pre-trained limited thinking of our MINDS to the infinite KNOWING of our Souls. This means that we will have to be curious about what else is possible for us … beyond what we’ve already been shown. We’ll need to be willing to let go of the preconceived notions we’ve been taught from the fallen consciousness … to be able to receive the Divine Knowledge and Wisdom that awaits us as we begin to allow the Soul to flow into the Mind and Body.

Many of us have already been opening our consciousness to the higher-frequency Awarenesses from our Souls and Source … and we’re seeing things very differently than we did before. We’re seeing that there are distortions in everything we’ve learned from ‘the systems’ of the world. We’re seeing that Nature, our Bodies, and the Universe itself are filled with Divine INTELLIGENCE and truly are our greatest teachers (when we allow them to be).

2025 will be a very interesting year. For some who are still deeply rooted in the old fear-based programming, it will likely be a very turbulent and scary time, as many of the old control structures will come tumbling down. But for those of us who have begun the Awakening process and know how to remain peaceful, calm and happy no matter what’s being presented in the external world … we’ll be experiencing what appear to be magic and miracles galore … because magic and miracles are the Divine Design … our Divinely-intended state of BEing. For many of us, this process has already begun and our lives are ‘leveling up’ at a rapid rate!

May 2025 bring YOU beautiful shifts of consciousness, that You may experience life far beyond what You may have previously only dreamed possible.  May Your Soul’s deepest desires be made manifest this year!

And may You real.ize that the Health You seek can only be Sourced from within.

Cheers to Health and Happiness galore in 2025!

~ Lisa


It’s Time to LEVEL-UP Our Reality!