YOU have the POWER to Heal Your Self

We all know that we’re Body, Mind and Soul.

But what does this really mean?

We’re aware of our Bodies … mostly when they hurt or are uncomfortable. 

We live mostly in our Minds … with a constant stream of thoughts preoccupying them.


But what about the SOUL?

We’ve been taught that the Soul is something that we HAVE. Yet, this is not true.

The SOUL is both Who and What we ARE. 

We do not HAVE a Soul … We ARE the Soul. Right here, right now … if we only NOTICE Our Selves.

We have been taught to focus our Attention OUTSIDE of our Selves.

We’ve been taught to ‘follow the rules’; ‘listen to your Elders’; ‘stop being so selfish’; ‘think about others’.

We’ve also been taught that setting personal boundaries and saying ‘No’ to other’s demands is ‘selfish’.

We (as humanity) have become convinced that WE are responsible for other people’s wellbeing … and that other people are responsible for ours. 

‘Don’t be selfish’, ‘Think of others’, ‘Protect the weak’ … Are slogans we hear almost daily. ‘You could make your grandmother sick’ seems to be a particularly popular idea these days as well. 

‘Ask your doctor’ pervades the airwaves, as if we don’t have the ability to know anything at all about our own bodies … and that doctors are our only hope for good health.

Yet, when we STOP and actually LOOK at Who We Are … SOULS in physical Bodies … un-limited Beings having a physical experience … we can suddenly see that We are each far more powerful than we’ve given ourselves credit for and each and every One of Us has been given everything we need to keep ourselves healthy and happy … if only we will LOOK INSIDE to find the infinite reSOURCEs that we have at our disposal.

Each and every One of Us has FULL ACCESS to Source … and can use Source Energy as we wish … to Create anything that we desire … including Radiant Health.

As the Sovereign, Souled Beings We Are … we have been created in Divine Perfection, and have been given the freedom to explore all universes. We are each created in the image of the Creator, which means that we each have FULL CREATOR ABILITIES. Not only can we create … we are creating … and always have been creating … in every moment of every day … whether we are Aware of it or not. 

Our Lives … are our own creations. What shows up in our lives in not ‘random’ at all … including ‘diseases’. We are each drawing to us the experiences that exactly match our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.  

In every moment of every day, we are emitting frequencies through our Bodies. When we’re happy … we’re thinking thoughts that feel good and emitting high-vibrational frequencies. When we’re stressed or depressed … we’re thinking thoughts that don’t feel good and we’re emitting low-vibrational frequencies. In every moment of every day, the circumstances of our lives exactly match the frequency of our thoughts. 

This is why it is said that our thoughts create our reality … because our thoughts determine whether we’re emitting high or low frequencies. 

The Law of Attraction simply matches our frequencies and molds the particles of quantum matter into forms (physical circumstances) that match our beliefs.

It has been scientifically proven that specific stressful thought patterns create specific ‘diseases’. Therefore ‘disease’ is not ‘random’ or ‘genetic’ … it is being generated by specific types of negative thought patterns.

The medical model wants us to beLIEve that the body is malfunctioning and that their pills and protocols are the only path to healing.  Yet, how often do they actually ‘heal’ any ‘disease’? What percentage of people are actually fully healed from pills and protocols? And what percentage are not? What percentage actually die during treatment? What percentage are temporarily healed, then find themselves right back in another health crisis? How many people are living with chronic conditions that they are told are ‘incurable’? Nothing is ‘incurable’ … unless the underlying beLIEf in ‘incurable’ is accepted and never challenged!

Each and every One of Us has FULL ACCESS to Source … and can use Source Energy as we wish … to Create anything that we desire … including Radiant Health.

When I found myself facing ‘cancer’, I knew that somehow, it was my creation. So I set out to find out how I had ‘created’ it. Because I knew that if I had created it … I could also un-create it. And this is exactly what happened. 

I didn’t relay on anyone else to un-create it for me. I didn’t use the medical model … and I discovered that I didn’t need to use it. In fact, I discovered that healing My Self was far simpler, easier, less complicated, less costly  … and far more empowering than going the medical route. And a beautiful bonus from that approach is that I will never have to face another ‘disease’ ever again … because I will never accidentally create another one! 

Now, I know that this route is not for everyone. It is only for those who choose to BREAK FREE from the illusions, limitations and false beLIEfs that have been placed upon humanity for thousands of years … to become the Masterful Creators of their own health and happiness. 

This path to Mastery is for the Light Bringers, who have come in large numbers at this time in human history to restore the LIGHT to humanity … and put an END to the spell of Amnesia that has been cast upon us that prevents us from remembering who we are … and the powers that we possess. 

If this is You, (which it is, or you wouldn’t be reading this!) … then isn’t it time for YOU to BREAK FREE from the spell of ‘disease’, too?

Each and every One of Us already has everything we need to heal ourselves … when we simply LOOK … inside


Your LIGHT is the most POWER-FULL ‘Pill’ on the Planet


WHY Self-Healing?