WHY Self-Healing?

When I found myself facing ‘cancer’ … I knew that the options for healing that the medical model presented (chemo, radiation, pharmaceuticals and/or radical surgery) were not for me. 


Because those options felt SCARY to me.

To my way of thinking, healing shouldn’t have to be scary … or dramatic. 

To my way of thinking, Healing should be simple and natural. After all, our bodies are designed for it! They are designed to self-repair. Cuts, breaks, sprains, etc. heal automatically … no fuss, no muss, no drama, no fear … just simple self-repair. 

So when the medical options didn’t seem right, I knew that there HAD to be a different way. So I began to look in a different direction. I began to look WITHIN. 

At first, I was VERY uncertain of my choice, as I didn’t know anyone who had healed themselves from a ‘disease’ like this, so I didn’t have a role model to turn to for advice. 

So I had to figure it out on my own. 

… Which, as it turned out, was EXACTLY what I needed to do to become my own Healer.


The Self-Healing model takes a drastically different approach.


Today’s western culture encourages us to look outside ourselves for answers to our health concerns. It tells us that doctors are the ONLY ‘experts’ when it comes to our bodies … and that healing comes from Big Pharma’s pills and protocols. 

Yet, no one else has EVER lived inside Your Body … therefore no one else could EVER be the ‘expert’ on YOUR body! Your Body is reacting and responding to YOU. Whatever your body is doing, it is doing it for, and because of, YOU. Therefore YOU are the ONLY ONE who can effect change in YOUR body.

I instinctively knew that I was to ‘blame’ (although there is no ‘blame’ involved) for my own circumstances … because I AM the Creator of my ‘circumstances’. When my circumstances are not to my liking, it is a clear indication that I have been creating un-consciously … creating from a state of disconnect from my Soul; creating from fear, doubt, worry, guilt, shame, etc., rather than from peace, ease, joy and the general state of Balance and Harmony with the Universe in which the Soul exists. What is created in Harmony with the Soul is created in harmony with All That Is and WellBeing is assured.

Fear, doubt, anxiety, worry, resentment, guilt … are all signs that we’re in a state of dis-connect and off-balance-ness, and unless we have the proper tools to re-connect to the Soul and shift out of these states quickly, we can find ourselves festering in our own un-easy-ness; our own dis-ease. When we remain off-balance for long enough … physical issues will begin to appear, as the body must counter-act the imbalance.

We are Body, Mind and Soul … yet the medical model looks at the Body as a stand-alone entity and doesn’t take into consideration the role that the Mind and the Soul play in our health. All 3 parts are interconnected, and the Body is directly impacted by the Mind and the Soul. When one part shifts, the other parts shift in response.  

Health happens when Body, Mind and Soul are ALIGNED … ‘dis-ease’ happens when they’re not. 

Without taking into consideration the role that the Mind and Soul play in our health, the medical model is operating on a false premise … on only PART of the story. They are not looking at the whole picture, not are they looking at the Whole Being. They are only looking at 1/3 of the scenario. They are looking at the Body as if the Mind and the Soul play no part in its health. This makes no sense (yet it makes MANY ‘cents’). 

It’s our job as individuals to see the erroneous setup … and start looking at the re-balancing of the Mind and the Soul as the true source for our physical healing, rather than looking for shots and pills to be the answer (which they clearly are not). 

Healing comes from WHOLENESS. 

… It comes from bringing Body, Mind and Soul into ONENESS through ALIGNMENT. 

When the Mind thinks thoughts that are out-of-alignment with the Soul’s Truth, a dis-connect occurs … which automatically impacts the function of the Body.  

An off-balance body points DIRECTLY at the dis-connect between the Mind and the Soul. 

The medical model dictates that ‘diseases’ are attacking the body and then tries to force the body back into alignment with pills and protocols … with limited success. And when it doesn’t succeed, we’re told that the person died of a ‘disease’. 

It’s up to us to see what the problem actually is … and start moving beyond the medical model that is keeping us sick and suffering. It’s up to us to Help … and to Heal … Our SELVES. 

The Self-Healing model takes a drastically different approach.

The Self-Healing model looks at the Body to find the point of dis-connect between the Mind and the Soul … and addresses the dis-connect. The Self-Healing model brings the Mind and the Soul back into ALIGNMENT … which automatically brings the Body back into alignment. 

Physical issues such as weight gain, chronic pain, arthritis, digestive issues, and ‘cancer’ are all ways in which the body is designed to SUPPORT us during our periods of Mind/Soul ‘mis-alignment’ … and each symptom points directly at the source of the mis-alignment. Each of these ‘issues’ is biologically meaningful … and serves a direct purpose. They each tell the story of a specific type of ‘conflict’ between the Mind and the Soul. 


Weight gain tells the story of being uncomfortable in our own skin; feeling like a ‘fish out of water’.

Arthritis tells the story of a self-devaluation (not feeling good about ourselves in a specific way. i.e., not fast enough, not a good enough parter, not strong enough, etc.).

Digestive issues tell the story of an ‘indigestible morsel’ … either a physical ‘morsel’ (something ingested that the body can’t digest properly) or a metaphoric one, meaning: a situation that is hard to ‘digest’. 

Chronic pain tells us that the mind is stuck in a pattern that isn’t allowing the body to move all the way through the healing process. 

‘Cancer’ is the body’s way of increasing or decreasing the number of cells in specific areas of the body in ways that are biologically meaningful. (i.e., creating extra cells in the lungs (a ‘tumor’) to give more bioavailable oxygen for extra stamina to overcome a life-threatening situation (a ‘death fright’), or decreasing the number of cells in the bronchial tubes to make way for more air to enter the lungs with each breath during a ‘stink conflict’).  

Once we understand the meaning and the purpose of our bodily symptoms, these types of ‘issues’ stop causing us stress and worry … because we understand that they are the ways in which our body is SUPPORTING us … by showing us where the Mind and the Soul are dis-connected and not operating on the same page … and let us know when we go into HEALING. 

Once we understand the Body-Mind-Soul set-up, we can start looking at our Bodies in a totally different way … and can easily see that our Bodies are NOT being ‘attacked’ by ‘diseases’. 

In fact, the Body is not even the problem! 

… The Body is simply POINTING AT the problem!

Healing happens when we alleviate the ‘problem’.

It’s up to us to start seeing with new eyes. 

It’s up to us to see beyond the current medical model.

It’s up to us to see how Body, Mind and Soul are interconnected. 

It’s up to us to notice when the Mind is thinking thoughts that feel bad (the classic sign of the Mind-Soul dis-connect) … and learn how to correct that BEFORE the Body falls into states of ‘disease’. 

It’s up to us to see what the problem actually is … and start moving beyond the medical model that is keeping us sick and suffering.

It’s up to us to Help … and to Heal … Our SELVES. 

We are Body, Mind and Soul … and it’s up to US to know how to keep them Aligned and Balanced. This is the essence of Self Healing. 

When You truly innerstand Self Healing, you will never have to worry about about your Health ever again. 

Self Healing is the ultimate SOULution. 

If you’re ready to begin your healing, I’m here to help make it simple. You can book a complimentary 30-minute Consultation HERE to find out how I can help You activate your Powers of Self-Healing!

Join my Facebook group HERE & follow me on YouTube HERE


YOU have the POWER to Heal Your Self


Health Sovereignty: It’s now … or never