You have the Right (and Ability!) to BE Healthy and Happy
You have the RIGHT to live a Peaceful, Happy, Healthy, Prosperous Life.
But LIVING that Life is up to You.
If You do not know how to EXPRESS this Right, then You will not be able to EXPERIENCE it in this lifetime.
It is only when we know how to express our Selves and our Truths in an effective manner (in the ways that allow them to come into our reality) that we learn how to experience our desires through the act of conscious creation.
We’ve been taught to beLIEve that life just ‘is what it is’ … and that we have to ‘make the best of what is’. But if we adhere to that line of thinking, then we simply keep generating more and more of ‘what is’ … even though we may not like ‘what is’.
In order to change ‘what is’ … we have to see that ‘what is’ is what has already been created … thus, it is the PAST.
Everything prior to this NOW Moment is the past. What we see in our reality right NOW is what we have already created/generated. The future has not yet been created/generated, therefore, we can start FRESH in this NOW moment … and create our future differently than we have created the past.
We can create/generate ANY future that we desire. We live in a universe of infinite possibilities. All options are available to us. But it’s up to us to generate those possibilities for ourselves.
We have to CREATE the Future that we desire. And we can’t do that by blindly accepting ‘what is’ as the basis of our reality and then trying to work within the parameters of ‘what is’ because we’ll simply be generating more of ‘what is’. ‘What is’ is completely changeable.
When we use ‘what is’ as the basis of our reality, we find ourselves building our lives on a platform of rules and pre-conceived notions that have been created by others … which may not be to our liking. Who likes to pay taxes? Or work 40+ hours a week for minimum wages? Or spend their time waiting around in doctors’ offices to be subjected to the rigors of mammograms or colonoscopies?
Do you realize that You are a Grand Being of Light … and can create ANY reality that you choose? Including realities WITHOUT the above-listed items? Did you know that you can custom-create your OWN reality? … YOUR Reality, YOUR way? … And that you can CHANGE ‘what is’ … at will?
This is what is actually possible.
This is where we, as humanity, are heading.
This is where we ARE … right NOW.
But we have to RECOGNIZE this … BEFORE we can begin to experience it. And we have to be willing to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for our own reality … and stop relying on others (the government, doctors, accountants, lawyers, etc.) to ‘fix things’ for us.
Your reality is YOURS. It belongs to YOU. No one else can create your reality for you. You, and You alone, are responsible for your Life. You are the ONE who is telling the Story. Therefore, YOU must take responsibility for every aspect of your reality … because it is YOUR creation. It is Your individual expression.
You are responsible for how you express Your Self.
You are responsible for creating YOU as You wish to BE.
How You BE … is Your responsibility.
How HEALTHY You BE … is Your responsibility.
Your health has nothing to do with doctors or the medical system.
How WEALTHY You BE … is Your responsibility.
Your wealth has nothing to do with bankers, employers or the monetary system.
Living in Alignment with Universal Law is Your responsibility.
The Laws of the Universe have nothing to do with lawyers, rules, statutes or the legal system.
Using the Wisdom of Your Soul is your responsibility.
Your Authentic Wisdom has nothing to do with teachers, gurus or the educational system.
Living at Peace with others is Your responsibility.
It has nothing to do with political ‘leaders’ or governments.
Your relationship with God/Source/Creator is Your responsibility. It has nothing to do with Popes, priests, churches, or religions.
As Grand Beings of Light in physical form, we are each responsible for our own experiences.
We are each responsible for Our SELVES.
Could it be that we’re overlooking something very obvious?
If we are not aware of how to take responsibility for our Selves and effectively EXPRESS our Truth … or our desires … then we fall prey to the limiting systems of the world, and our Truths and Desires go un-manifest in lieu of the collective rules and programming.
Health and Wealth are actually very NATURAL when we are living in Alignment with the Universe.
It is only when we are out-of-alignment that we lack ANYTHING.
Due to the fact that we have been trained to focus on ‘what is’ … we fail to see the infinite possibilities and the wide-open doorway to CREATING and HAVING the realities that we wish to experience.
What ‘rules’ or pre-programmed stories (of ‘disease’, ‘hard work’, ‘scarcity’, etc.) are standing in your way of experiencing the health, wealth or happiness that are FREELY available?
What stories of health, wealth and happiness are You currently telling (experiencing)?
Are these stories to your liking?
If not … what will you do to change them?
Change can be simple. All it takes is a change of perspective; a shift of consciousness.
Are you ready for a new perspective?
Are you ready to tell stories of Health, Wealth and Happiness … in lieu of ‘lack’, ‘disease’, ‘anxiety’, or ‘depression’?
Are you ready for it to be simple?
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