Our Biology - It’s TIme for a New Operating System!
As Beings with Body, Mind and Soul, our BODY is Physical, while the MIND and the SOUL are Non-Physical.
Of our 12-Strand DNA …
~ 2 strands are Physical and
~ 10 strands are Non-Physical.
The 2 Physical strands … are controlled by the 10 non-physical strands. The non-physical strands are constantly sending data to the 2 physical strands … instructing them what to do.
Therefore, our Physical Biology is being controlled by the MIND and the SOUL.
ANYTHING that happens in the Physical Body … is being generated from the Mind and the Soul. When the Mind thinks thoughts that are in alignment with the Soul (peace, ease, joy, gratitude, enthusiasm, curiosity, etc.) … balance and harmony ensue and we feel good. When the Mind thinks thoughts that are out-of-alignment with the Soul (fear, doubt, guilt, shame, rejection, etc.) … imbalance becomes the ‘order’ of the day.
As humans, we are focused almost exclusively on that which is Physical (i.e., the surface appearance of things) … while virtually ignoring the non-physical ENERGIES that lie beneath the surface appearance. It is these energies that are generating ALL THINGS in the Physical realm (including the structure of our biology, i.e., our Health).
Because we, as humans, are focused exclusively on what appears in physical form … it seems completely logical to assume that when an imbalance appears in the physical body that: there must be something wrong with the body. This is the prevailing assumption throughout the world at this time. The Biological Sciences are based upon this assumption.
Following this logic … it is also natural to assume that if there is ‘something wrong with the body’ … then there must be some thing that is causing the body to ‘malfunction’. Therefore, doctors and scientists set about looking for the ‘culprit’.
Because ‘seek and ye shall find’ is one of the Universal Laws of Creation and Manifestation … the Universe provides the ‘evidence’ that the doctors and scientists are looking for. Because they are looking for a physical ‘cause’… they find what they are looking for in the forms of ‘mutant’ genes, chromosomes or cells (the earmarks of ‘diseases’) … or ‘killer’ viruses or bacteria … or whatever other physical ‘evidence’ it is that they are trained to look for. When they discover ‘it’ … they then say, “Ah-ha! There it is! … There’s the problem!” They then proceed to invent some ‘thing’ (such as a pill or medical procedure) to eradicate the so-called ‘enemy’.
Unfortunately for humanity … this process simply generates war with these ‘invisible enemies’ that are given names to identify them. Names such as ‘cancer’, ‘COVID’ and every other named ‘disease’ becomes ‘the enemy’ that we have to try to either eradicate or control with pharmaceutical concoctions. Unfortunately for humanity, the only thing these pills are ‘killing off’ are our own cells!
This is the intricate ‘dance’ that we, as Creator Beings are currently engaged with here on Earth.
Humanity is in the midst of a massive SHIFT OF CONSCIOUSNESS. We are AWAKENING to find out that we are NOT ‘just human’ … and that we are INFINITE BEINGS of LIGHT and LOVE Who are here, as CREATORS, experiencing our Creations in Physical Form.
As humans, have been existing within the confines of 3rd Dimensional Consciousness for a very long ‘time’. This dimension of consciousness is heavy, dense, distorted, and very magnetic. If we use the analogy of a soufflé … which is meant to have a light, airy and uniform consistency … the 3rd Dimension is like a fallen soufflé. It is compact, dense and ‘lumpy’(i.e., ‘distorted’). Nothing in the 3rd Dimension is as it seems. It is like walking through a funhouse where all of the mirrors are distorted. What we see reflected back to us is NOT a ‘true’ reflection.
Separation, fear, conflict, greed, anger, ‘disease’, and imbalance … all exist inside the 3-D Matrix. We could say that ‘hell’ exists inside the Matrix … and ‘heaven’ exists beyond its boundaries.
Humanity is in the midst of moving out of the Matrix. We are moving into the realms of Higher-Dimensional Consciousness … where Unity, Harmony and Balance are the orders of the day; where we live in PEACE with each other and in Harmony with Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants. Yes, it’s time to restore Heaven to Earth.
We can think of it like we’re RENOVATING OUR HOME.
During a home’s Renovation Process … the old has to be torn out … before the new can be installed.
Right now, we are experiencing the ’tearing down’ of the old, inefficient, ineffective Systems that have been in place for eons … that have been keeping us sick, enslaved and at war with each other … and with our Bodies.
The old Systems … like old software programs … have gotten ‘corrupt’. The 3rd Dimensional ‘database’ has been infected with ‘malware’ that is manifesting in the Physical Realm … as a literal ‘virus’.
This ‘virus’ is exposing the ‘corrupt’ software … the corrupt Systems of Government, Health Care, Law Enforcement, the Monetary System, Systems of distribution of Food and Resources, and many others … that needs to be ‘uninstalled’ and replaced with newer, more Just and Equitable Systems that BENEFIT ALL.
When we look at the ‘corrupt database’ that Biological Science currently functions from (the assumptions of ‘contagion’ and ‘disease’) … anyone with clear, expanded vision can easily see that Biological Science has to change. It has to take the non-physical realms of THOUGHT and ENERGY into account. We are body, Mind and Soul … we can no longer look at each aspect as being separate. We have to take the Whole Being into account and we have to realize that our perceptions have POWER … the power to change our biology. We, as humanity, have to change the way we look at our biology. It is the ONLY way we will EVER live in Peace, Harmony and TRUST with our Bodies.
The NEW BIOLOGY was discovered in the 1980s by a German doctor, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. This amazing man discovered that there are FIVE BIOLOGICAL LAWS … which are consistent across ALL SPECIES … and show exactly how our consciousness affects our biology. This information, however, has been actively suppressed by the ‘powers-that-be’ who control the med and pHarm industries … and who also control the media narrative with every other commercial on TV pointing our attention to their industries, thus ‘driving the herd’ into their ‘corral’.
But it’s time for ‘the herd’ to Awaken and take our power back!
Our bodies have the ability to heal naturally. It is our bodies, themselves, that produce the meaningful biological adaptations that the medical model calls ‘disease’ . There is no reason to fear these adaptations, yet that is exactly what the medical model and big pHarma are counting on … because as long as we’re in fear and they tell us that they have a ‘pill for that’ … then we’ll continue to look for the magic pill … when in fact … the ‘magic’ is in our BODIES, themselves!
Are YOU ready to discover the MAGIC … within?
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