Your Mind…..Has the Power to Make You Sick….AND the Power to Make You Well
HOW You use it … is up to YOU!
Are You Using Yours to make you sick … or make you well?
A simple glance at Your current State of BEing will tell You much.
Are You the One Who Is in Control of Your Mind?
… are You sure?
MIND CONTROL is a real thing.
… either YOU are in control of Your Mind … or someone else is! … GUARANTEED!
If you're thinking negative, life-depleting thoughts, then that’s a SURE SIGN that someone or something ELSE is taking up residence in your Personal Thought-Space. Because why would You, a Grand Being of Light, EVER willingly think life-depleting thoughts of ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I’m not okay’?
Answer: You wouldn’t!
Why would ANYONE ever choose to think thoughts that serve to destroy their self-esteem?
Answer: they wouldn’t!
YOU would NEVER … willingly … think self-destructive thoughts!
It is not natural for Us to think self-demeaning or life-depleting thoughts.
Yet … We do!
So the Question is: WHY?
Why is Humanity living with Fear-based thoughts running through our heads?
Why are we thinking thoughts of: What’s wrong with me?
Why are we living ‘less than’ Lives? … Lives we don’t abSOULutely LOVE?
Why do we fear … or hate … our own Bodies?
Why do we have ‘diseases’ without the inner standing of how to re-balance our Selves?
Why are we not living in Peace … and Harmony with Nature?
None of this is normal … or even natural!
In fact … it is V-E-R-Y un-Natural!
Yet … all of this has been … normalized.
As Souls, we are created in Divine Perfection … given everything we need to effectively manage our own State of Being, including Be-ing in physical form. We have a direct connection to Source Wisdom … yet virtually no one remembers how to connect IN and tap into this vast ‘database’ of knowledge and wisdom that is available to ALL of us.
So how did we get to this point?
… What happened to us?
… What made us go so far astray?
Why have we become convinced that we need ‘experts’ to ‘fix us’, when we’ve already been given everything we need … directly from Source?
Why have we become ‘victims’ … seemingly powerless to defend ourselves … against ‘diseases’ and other ‘maladies’?
Why is war normalized … when Peace is the order of the Universe?
Why does no one seem to notice that war, in and of itself … is a crime against the Earth and humanity?
How did we go from being Grand Creator Beings … to a huge group of ‘rule followers’ … when the ‘rules’ are clearly NOT to our advantage?
Well … let’s look at the mechanics of Creation and manifestation for a moment.
We are Grand Beings of Light … here, on Earth, to experience Our Selves and our Creations in Physical FORM.
But what does this mean?
It means that we are here, turning our IDEAS into CREATIONS … that we then experience in physical form.
It means that we are each shaping our own reality through our ideas and beliefs.
… It means that whatever is happening in our Thought Space is being played out in physical form as our Realities!
And where did our thoughts and beliefs come from?
… other people!
And where do the vast majority of humanity’s current ideas and thought patterns come from?
~ the news, media and movies
~ govern-men-ts
~ religions
~ the educational system
~ the medical system
These ‘systems’ implant ideas into the masses … and then those implanted ideas are projected outward onto the ‘view screen’ of our collective reality.
What if ideas of Peace, Kindness, Health, Joy and Prosperity were implanted, instead?
How would that shift the collective?
What if you could think thoughts that were PURE and Pleasant and Pleasing to You?
What if you thought thoughts that were AUTHENTICALLY YOURS … rather than someone else’s hand-me-downs?
What if you could project really GOOD, FUN, PRODUCTIVE ideas onto the view screen of the physicalness around you?
What if you only thought HEALTHY thoughts?
How would this change your reality?
You see … your reality is NOT dictated by the ‘reality’ around you … it is projected forth from your Thought Space!
We are simply being TAUGHT what to think!
WE are the Creators! And look at what we are creating: wars, taxes, ‘diseases’, governMENts, politics … all of it is being generated by our AGREEMENT. We agree to think these thoughts and BOOM! … there they are … appearing on the view screen of physicality around us.
What if we STOPPED ‘agreeing’ with ‘what is’ … and started thinking better quality thoughts … by focusing on what we’d LIKE to Experience: Health, Peace, Prosperity, Generosity, Kindness, etc., instead?
In order for us to do this … we have to learn how to TAKE COMMAND of our own Thought Space.
We have to learn how tho STOP thinking thoughts that are killing us … and START thinking thoughts that EMPOWER us, instead.
We have to learn how to make our Minds PLEASING places to BE!
What if you made INNER PEACE Your PRIORITY?
What if, by making Inner Peace your Priority … you began to project THAT outward onto the view screen of the physicalness around you … so that your physical reality began to re-shape itself to match?
What if your PHYSICAL HEALTH could be controlled from within Your own Thought Space … no pills necessary?
You see … your BODY is a REFLECTION of Your Thought Space.
What if, by learning how to generate INNER PEACE … you could HEAL Your Own Body … for FREE?
What if, by learning how to command your own Thought Space, you could not only change YOUR world, but the WHOLE world, as well?
We are each POWERFUL Creators!
We are powerful Creators who are being told stories of what to create.
We’re told stories of war, ‘disease’, hard work, taxes, aging, death, ‘the government will save us’ and all kinds of life-depleting scenarios that we ingest into our Thought Spaces and then project forth as our realities.
The time has come for this to stop.
The time has come for us to Awaken.
The time has come for us to SEE what’s actually happening here, so we can start to generate a world of Peace and Health and Prosperity for ALL Living Beings on this Beauty-Full Planet!
It’s time for us to take this planet back from the war-mongers and CREATE the world we LOVE to LIVE in!
What kind of World would YOU like to experience?
Are you willing to make THAT Your priority?
Are you willing to CREATE the World you wish to LIVE in?
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