Health Sovereignty: It’s now … or never

As the Immortal Souls We Are, we are created in Divine perfection. As Beings of Light, we’ve been given everything we need to be self-sufficient, self-governing and self-sustaining. 

As Souls, we have each chosen to incarnate into a physical body at this time. These Bodies are designed to be self-healing and self-sustaining. Self-healing is self-evident when we notice that cuts, breaks, bruises, sprains, etc. heal automatically. The body is constantly replacing old cells with new cells and repairing itself as needed. 

You have everything you need, right here, right now, to heal your own body and keep it functioning at full capacity for as long as you choose to stay in it. Yet … as humans, we’ve been programmed OUT of our natural ability to communicate with our DNA. We’ve been programmed to beLIEve that we can’t just ‘heal ourselves’ and that we need doctors and pharmaceuticals to do the healing for us. 

Your Body is YOURS and YOU deserve to know how to keep it healthy and fit … and how to bring it back into balance if it is not.

This is NOT True! 

The idea that we ‘need’ doctors and pharmaceuticals to do our healing for us is a false beLIEf that is designed to keep us dependent upon the medical system and Big Pharma … for the rest of our lives.

‘Disease’ is BIG Business! It puts Billions of dollars into the pockets of a select few, who are not about to let go of their 'cash cow’ … even for the greater good of humanity! 

Therefore, it is up to US to REMEMBER how to talk to our cells. It’s on US to recognize the multidimensional quality of our DNA and learn how to communicate with it so that we can use it to repair, heal and change our bodies. It’s up to US to clear away the programming of ‘disease’ and ‘aging’ … so that we can LIVE long, healthy, active lives.

When we know how to heal ourselves … we are FREE from the world of ‘diseases’ and doctors and pharmaceuticals. It is then that we become Free to BE the Soul in the Body … without the mental programming getting in the way.

Your Body is YOURS and YOU deserve to know how to keep it healthy and fit … and how to bring it back into balance if it is not.

The ‘system’ has taught us to fear our bodies. It tells us that the symptoms that appear in our bodies are ‘diseases’ that need to be fought. They give the symptoms names and and tell us that those named ‘diseases’ are attacking our Bodies and threatening our lives and that it is their pills and protocols that will ‘save’ us ... and we beLIEve them. 

Yet this is not true.

The physical symptoms that they call ‘disease’ are perfectly natural physiological responses to messages that we’ve sent to our DNA. Our bodies are simply showing us where our thinking is out-of-balance. When the mind is stressed and off-balance … the body gets stressed and goes off-balance to match. The symptoms don’t just appear randomly out of nowhere and they are not ‘attacking’ us! What the majority of humanity does not yet realize (yet it has been scientifically proven) is that the symptoms that the medical model call ‘diseases’ are symptoms that our bodies themselves have produced on purpose! They are biologically meaningful, and are readily reversed when we are able to understand them. 

In the 1980s Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer discovered the 5 Biological Laws which show clearly that ‘disease’ is meaningful and that the body heals itself. Yet, the information was hidden and suppressed, and Dr. Hamer’s license was revoked, he was imprisoned, and his life was threatened multiple times. Thus is the nature of corporate greed, which is still going strong today.

But the world is ready for change! 


The consciousness of humanity is changing, and we are ready to put an end to corruption and corporate greed. The Lightworkers have arrived, and Humanity is Awakening.  It is time for us to shine our Light … to banish the darkness; to put an end to ‘disease’ and start ushering in a New Era of health and harmony, freedom, prosperity, and wellbeing for ALL. The doors to higher dimensional consciousness are now open, and it is time for us to start creating Heaven on Earth … from the SOUL.  

But in order to do this, we must FIRST make peace with our Bodies!

We have to understand our Bodies in order to innerstand our Selves. We cannot fear or doubt our bodies without fearing an aspect of Our SELVES. We cannot fear ANY aspect of Who We Are AND be healthy, happy and whole. It’s simply not possible.

The times of Fear and Darkness are coming to an end … as we learn to LOVE our Selves … body, mind and Soul so that we can shine our LIGHT, Heal Humanity and restore Peace and Harmony to this beautiful planet.  

It is time for us to learn how to communicate with our Bodies, and start Loving them back to health. All that is required, is a simple shift of perspective and a willingness to step out of the system that is keeping us  trapped in ‘disease’. 

Our bodies … are on our side! They are fully equipped to HELP us in this endeavor! We simply need to embrace them, learn to TRUST them and stop fighting with them. 

The medical model is not going to change … until WE change it. And the way we change it is to change ourselves. We have to empower our selves to be able to manage our own bodies … by our Selves … the way God/Source/the Universe designed it to be. 

Are YOU ready? 

  • Have you had enough of the ‘system’?

  • Are you ready to STOP battling with your dear, sweet body … so that it can HEAL?

  • Are you ready to learn how to talk to your cells? (… because they are listening!)

While Big Pharma is counting on your illness … I’m here to show You how to guarantee Your own wellness!

When You know how to communicate with your DNA and heal your own body, You are FREE from having to rely on a system that is profiting from your illness. 

When You’ve had enough of being enslaved to a system of ‘disease’ … and are ready to 

  • stand in your own Power 

  • turn Your Light back on 

  • reclaim Sovereignty of Your own Body 

  • and actually HEAL YOURSELF … I’m here to help!

Aligning with Your Radiantly Healthy Self is the 90-day program I’ve created to help you with just that. 

It is designed to help you connect directly to Your Soul’s Higher Knowing … so you can put your Mind at ease, and follow your Inner GPS … straight back to Health Sovereignty. 

While Big Pharma is counting on your illness … I’m here to show You how to guarantee your own wellness!

At the Soul level, you already know exactly what to do. The ‘trick’ is to get the Mind out of the way. But there really is no ‘trick’ … it’s about good, solid information that will allow you to clear away the ‘disease’-based programming, and connect to the intelligence of the Body through the Wisdom of the Soul. 

This Program is designed to help you heal as You ascend into Higher States of Consciousness. This program will help to activate your personal Power and restore your rightful place as the Self-sufficient, Sovereign Being you were created to BE. 

Here’s what Shannon V. says about ‘Aligning with Your Radiantly Healthy Self’:

Lisa Warner's course Aligning with Your Radiantly Healthy Self is a comprehensive guide to fearlessly stepping up and into your life. Not only do you learn how to self-heal, this course frees you from all those fears, doubts, worries, etc that prevent us from living a full, radiantly healthy, joyful life. Each class module brings a new understanding of how to find balance that leads to a life of freedom and wholeness. Lisa's steps to Aligning with Your Radiant Healthy Self are simple (I didn't say easy because that depends on the individual) and practical. Each class module and weekly live zoom call offers the perfect amount of information and support to immediately incorporate the course lessons into your life. Additionally, Lisa created a safe, loving, and private Facebook group where students are able to support, encourage, and learn from each other. I love that Lisa personally monitors this group and also responds to our questions, ah-ha moments, and graciously roots us on with her insights and questions. I have had the opportunity to work with many teachers, Lisa Warner is that unique person/teacher/healer who connects with your soul, really understands the human experience and conflicts, and holds space and trust for individuals to evolve while releasing all the patterns that keep us living in illusion.

~ Shannon V.

Your Health … and Your Sovereignty await! 


This month’s FREE Healing Resource

Let’s look at how our Light and our Energy affect our Body and our Health.

Here’s a short video to show you what I mean:  Ascension and Healing.  

The days of struggling with our health are coming to an end, as we move into the higher dimensions. Healing is far simpler than we’ve ever been allowed to know.  

If you’re ready to streamline your healing process, I’m here to help make it simple. You can book a complimentary 30-minute Consultation HERE to find out how I can help You activate your Powers of Self-Healing!

Join my Facebook group HERE & follow me on YouTube HERE


WHY Self-Healing?


Letting go of the energies that are causing dis-ease