Letting go of the energies that are causing dis-ease

Direct experience showed me that nothing is random … and that everything that happens, happens for a reason.

June. The beginning of Summer.

Do you remember summers as a kid?  Do you remember when school was out, having your days FREE … to go out and PLAY? 

… No schedules, no big responsibilities, no bills, no cares? What ever happened to those days?

Most folks would simply say, “we grew up.” But from my perspective, it felt a whole lot more like growing DOWN.

For me, as those days of freedom and play began slipping farther into the past, and the responsibilities of earning a living took hold, the less and less FREE, PLAYFUL and HAPPY I became. My vibration was quickly spiraling downward

After graduation from high school the ‘responsibilities of adulthood’ soon replaced the freedom and play of childhood and somehow, ‘earning a living’ became a ‘serious’ responsibility that consumed my every waking moment. Life had suddenly become WORK as I was trying to earn a Living. Earning a living had somehow replaced simply LIVING!

I began to feel stressed … and then depressed … and then the anxiety attacks began. My life was turning into a living nightmare. It felt horrible! And I didn’t know what to do to change it … until ‘cancer’ came along!

When I suddenly realized that I had allowed myself to spiral down so low that my life was actually in danger … that was when I knew that I HAD to make some changes! I realized that I had to learn how to break these patterns that were holding me hostage in my own life. 

Up until that point, I instinctively knew that I was creating my own reality, but I had no idea how. I didn’t know about energy, or the Law of Attraction, or how the Universe works. But with my life seemingly on the line, I quickly made it my business to learn! And what I learned, was that nothing is as it seems!


It seems that the world is solid and unchangeable, and that circumstances just ‘happen’ and that things simply ‘are the way they are’ and that we’ve got to make the best of the hand we’re dealt. Yet, direct experience began to show me that this is not at all true. 

Direct experience showed me that nothing is random … and that everything that happens, happens for a reason. It also showed me that things ‘are the way they are’ … because we make them that way. 

I learned that ‘cancer’ hadn’t just happened to my body; a bad ‘luck of the draw’. No! My body had actually generated it … for a reason. And I learned that I, alone, had triggered my body’s response. I had created this situation for myself by holding onto feelings of unworthiness, shame, anger and resentment. I had held onto them because I didn’t know how to release them … or even that I could. 

I used to try distract my mind with TV, or movies, or ‘keeping busy’, in order to avoid my feelings. In fact, I used to try to avoid feeling, in general ... because most of what I was feeling didn't feel very good!

I didn't understand that I was feeling was ENERGY, and that those feelings of unworthiness, shame, anger and resentment didn't even belong to me! I had no idea that I could feel other people's feelings as if they were my own! ... I simply thought that there was something wrong with me because I always felt so stressed! 

It wasn't until the 'thinking that there was something wrong with me' had turned into 'something's wrong with my body' that I finally started putting the pieces together.  That’s when I learned how energy and manifestation work together. I finally realized that I had taken on energies that didn't belong to me as if they were my own, and my body was showing me what wasn't mine! 

… Are you feeling ‘bad’ on a regular basis?

... Is your body currently showing you what energies don't belong to You? 

Are you thinking that there’s something wrong with you?

… Do you have a chronic energy problem … that is showing up as a physical problem?

… Are you dealing with a bunch of ’stuff’ in your life … that might not even be YOURS?

What energies are You un-willing to feel ... that if you were willing to feel them, and had a few simple tools ... you could easily clear them ... and start feeling better?

What if HEALING is far SIMPLER than we've been lead to beLIEve?

We are Infinite, non-physical Beings having a finite physical experience. As the Infinite Beings we Are, we are powerful beyond measure and can easily shift our physical realities. Healing happens … when we clear away the ‘who we are not’ … so that we can BE Who We Truly Are … our most Radiant and Healthy SELVES!


Health Sovereignty: It’s now … or never


Planting the garden of you