2024: Out of the Darkness and Into the LIGHT!…..Are YOU ready?
For many thousands of years, Earth and Humanity have been existing in a ‘fallen’ state of consciousness, hence ‘in the Dark’. But that time has now come to a close. It is time for us to rise back up out of the dark abyss and into the LIGHT where we belong.
We are Grand Beings of Light who have taken on physical form within the 3-D ‘Reversal Matrix’ … where suffering and struggling to survive have taken precedence over THRIVING.
2024 is a pivotal year for humanity … as we make the ‘pivot’ back into the light.
But what does this mean in practical terms?
What this means is that life as we know it is going to change in some VERY Big ways … because the old systems of control (that were created in and from the Darkness) must now be transmuted back into the light.
This will mean that the systems themselves (legal, educational, religious, government, medical, etc.) will have to change. Some will morph into brand new systems that will work FOR the BETTERMENT of humanity, while others will collapse and go away altogether, as they will no longer be needed.
Now, I hear some of you ask, “Lisa! You’re not a psychic! How could you know this? You can’t predict the future! Why should we believe you?” And to you I say, “You’re right! I’m not a psychic, yet, through simple deductive reasoning we actually CAN predict the future … at least in this case. And I’m not asking you to believe me. I’ asking you to TUNE IN … and discover what you Inner Knowing already knows.”
Humanity IS Awakening … and awakening FAST. People are getting tired of war. We’re seeing that war is being waged by politicians … billionaires who are making money from war … not by average citizens. It’s the average citizens who are being coerced into combat, while the politicians stay safe in their liars (I mean ‘lairs’). Humanity is starting to see through the charade … and those who do have had enough. War has never solved any problem … only CREATED MORE problems. It has to stop.
Humanity is also awakening to the fact that the medical model’s ‘we’ve got a pill for that’ approach to healing is NOT working. Not only is it not generating healthier humans, we are perhaps the sickest society in human history. Not only that, but now a large group of people are aware of the 5 Biological Laws … and are fully aware that doctors are NOT taught about the biological laws and know WHY the doctors are not taught this information. And this, too, has to stop.
Governments (i.e., the people who act as ‘politicians’ and ‘rulers’) all over the world are becoming more and more tyrannical in their efforts to maintain control over an awakening humanity … and they’re losing credibility FAST. They’re panicking. This is an unsustainable paradigm and it, too, has to stop. Humanity does not have to be ‘ruled’ over. Instead, we need to be FREE … to LIVE … in Peace and Harmony with Nature and each other. We’re tired of being bullied, lied to, sprayed with chemicals, pummeled with frequencies, spied on, sold inferior goods and services, and taxed to the hilt.
We’re here to LIVE.
We’re here to THRIVE.
We’re here to InJOY all of the diverse BEAUTY of this incredible planet.
The Great Awakening is upon us. Nothing can stop it. There are far too many of us who have come to BE the Light in the darkness to help Awaken humanity to what is actually possible: the CREATION of Heaven on Earth.
As we step into 2024, it is incumbent upon each of us to TURN OUR LIGHT BACK ON … and SHINE BRIGHT!
If you don’t know how, or need assistance, please reach out.
I will be offering NEW things in 2024 to help you do just this. I will be taking a short sabbatical during January to allow the new creations to formulate themselves, so please stay tuned!
Thank you for all for your support!
I look forward further supporting you in 2024.
In Love and Light,
~ Lisa :-)