Tuning IN
Your Consciousness is not a ‘tool’ … Your Consciousness is YOU!
We are SOULS … animating physical vessels.
These bodies are VESSELS … they are NOT Who We Are.
As Souls, we are pure, Divine consciousness. Non-physical Beings of Light and Love.
We are the CONSCIOUSNESS … the Living Life Force Energy and DIVINE SOURCE INTELLIGENCE … that animates the physical body vessel.
When the consciousness is removed from the body, the body dies, yet the Consciousness LIVES ON … minus the physicalness … as the Pure, Divine Intelligence It Is.
YOU are Consciousness.
You can form YourSelf into any ‘shape’ you choose: happy, sad, suffering, thriving … ALL POSSIBILITIES exist and are available to choose from. We exist in a YOUniverse of infinite possibilities. We are here, on Earth, to bring possibilities into physical form.
If you are suffering … and you’d rather be thriving … then it’s up to YOU to straighten yourself out. It’s up to YOU to clear your THOUGHT SPACE of any ‘viruses’ you’ve picked up along your journey that are distorting your physical experience. It’s up to You to CLEAR the Consciousness You Are … and bring Your Self back into alignment with the Divine perfection of Your Soul’s blueprint.
We live in a PROGRAMMED Society. We’re told what to think and what to do. “Pay your taxes.” “Vote!” “Ask your doctor.” “Get a mammogram.” “Get a colonoscopy.” “Better yet … get BOTH!” “Get this shot or you’ll never travel again!” And on … and on … and we, for the most part, simply do as we’re told without a second thought.
The fear of ‘cancer’.
The fear of punishment.
The fear of offending someone.
For the most part, we will do just about anything … including complying with tyrannical ‘orders’ … to avoid facing our fears. But what are we actually avoiding?
If we have FEAR sitting in the middle of our Being … and we’re doing everything we can to try to avoid it … what are we actually doing?
We’re trying to avoid the giant ‘rock’ in the center of our Selves.
What’s the point in trying to avoid something that doesn’t belong there … instead of simply REMOVING the ‘rock’?
If we don’t face our fears and REMOVE THE FEAR, the fear will eventually consume enough of our energy that it will destroy us.
The very thing that we’re trying to ‘avoid’ will be made manifest … and we’ll no longer be able to ‘avoid’ it. But by that time, it will have taken on physical form and will be far more problematic to remove than the original fear-filled beLIEf that, had we simply addressed it while it was still just a thought form/beLIEf, could have been easily removed.
We are CREATOR Beings … bringing our IDEAS into physical form.
BeLIEfs are ideas; thoughts are ideas; theories are ideas; LIES are ideas … all of which are FORMS of CONSCIOUSNESS. WE are the Consciousness that is being formed!
What form have you taken on?
Are you living true to your Divine Blueprint as the Pure Source Intelligence You Are?
Or has your Consciousness degraded into a distorted from that is unpleasing to you?
Either way, it’s up to YOU to form Your SELF.
If you are TUNED IN to the external chaos and fear mongering that surrounds you, then you will EMBODY that … and your life and your body will begin to reflect the suffering that you’re paying attention to.
If You are TUNED IN to the DIVINE … allowing SOURCE INTELLIGENCE to flow to You and through you, then your life and your body will reflect that. You will EMBODY the Divine perfection You ARE.
What are you focused on?
What are you reflecting?
Your Life is being played out IN and THROUGH the Consciousness You Are.
How are you allowing your Consciousness to be formed?
Are you allowing the external world to shape you … or are you allowing the Divine Source of All Life to flow to You and through You and shape You?
Which frequencies are you TUNING IN to?
If You are TUNED IN to (and matching the frequency of) the society around you, you will suffer.
If You are TUNED IN to (and matching the frequency of) the Divine … You will thrive.
TUNING IN is the key.
Do You take the time to TUNE IN?
… or are you just operating on ‘default’ … allowing the programming to run you?
Let’s face it … we’ve ALL been programmed. (It’s been the nature of the ‘game’ up until now.)
But it’s time to CLEAR the Programming and put an END to the mass suffering.
It’s time for Humanity … and All of NATURE … to actually THRIVE.
Whether You suffer … or thrive … is completely up to YOU.
Which ’station’ will you choose to TUNE IN to?