The Devine Design
Is your Mind filled with a steady stream of uneasy or uncomfortable thoughts?
Are you constantly searching for something to make you feel better?
Do you live every day trying to ‘fix’ yourself?
Does your mind run in circles trying to ‘figure its way out’ … with little to no success?
Do you feel trapped in a body that doesn’t work properly, and you feel helpless to change it?
Do you often feel anxious, overwhelmed, worried or depressed?
Is inner peace just some seemingly far-off ideal that doesn’t even seem possible?
… These are all signs that there is a battle happening on the inside.
It is the battle between the Mind and the Soul.
It’s the battle between this artificial, man-made society and the Divine Design of the Creator-made Universe.
It is the war that is being fought between the LIES we’ve been taught (and beLIEve are real) … and the TRUTH of Who We Are and why we’re here.
We ARE non-physical Beings … Grand, immortal Beings of Light and Love … created in Divine Perfection … fully connected to God/Source/Universe. This Earth was created to provide EVERYTHING we could possibly ever want or need.
But the dystopian society we’ve been born into has convinced us that we’re LACKING. It has driven a wedge between us and our Divine Mother … Nature … who is designed to care for us, nurture us, and provide ABUNDANTLY for us … when we are living in HARMONY with her.
Yet, ‘harmony’ is NOT what is happening on this planet, therefore it is not happening within our Selves, either.
When we are living in dis-harmony … dis-ease is the ONLY option.
Radiant Health is the RESULT of Harmonious Living.
When we are living according to the Divine Design, honoring Life and the Rhythms of Nature, we thrive … automatically.
When we’re living in states of lack, competition, fear, war, and general off-balance-ness … we suffer. It can be no other way.
We are SOULS, first and foremost … directly created from, and interwoven with, the infinite abundance and Love of Prime Creator. Yet, we’ve fallen into a state of amnesia where we’ve forgotten Who We Are and that we’re given everything we need when we live according to our Divine Design. Without Awareness of the Truth of Who We Are … we suffer under the delusions of fear and lack.
This incredible planet … along with all LIFE upon her … was created in Divine Perfection … with every possible need already taken into consideration. We’ve been given EVERYTHING we need to not only ‘survive’ … but to LIVE in grand, glorious JOY and ABUNDANCE … when we’re living in Peace and Harmony with our surroundings. Yet somewhere along the line, humanity ‘took a wrong turn’ and began living in states of war rather than peace … and the Earth and all life upon her have been suffering ever since.
These Physical Body-vehicles allow us to experience the vast beauty and incredible diversity of textures, aromas, tastes, and experiences that are available on this amazing planet … yet, the consciousness in these bodies has been harassed, tortured, lied to, and manipulated until only a shadow of our True Selves remains. The amnesia is so all-pervasive that we no longer remember the Divine Design … and thus, have resigned ourselves to the ongoing brainwashing as if it’s our only option. We’ve given away almost ALL of our own power and become ‘victims’ to the ‘rules’ of the society around us as if we have no other options.
The shocks and traumas we’ve experienced display themselves physically … and are interpreted by the medical model as ‘malfunctions’ … which they tell us are signs that we’re being ‘attacked’ by ‘diseases’, which, of course, only serves to enhance and amplify our fears and worries … and our feelings of being trapped and helpless in this artificial, dystopian version of reality.
But it doesn’t have to be like this! … at all!
We are in the midst of the GREAT AWAKENING … and it’s only a matter of ‘time’ until those of humanity who are willing … will begin to override the mind-control programming and start re.cognizing the Brilliance of the original Divine Design and STOP allowing ourselves, and this beautiful planet, to be system-atically destroyed by those who PROFIT from the destruction.
Our Bodies are designed to thrive. They are designed to HELP us through our emotional conflicts. But until we pull our consciousness out of the fear-based programming of ‘disease’ … and see the HELP that is actually being provided by our bodies (that the ‘system’ calls ‘disease’) … we will continue to suffer and perish at the hands of our own ignorance.
Our Bodies are designed to thrive. They are designed to HELP us through our emotional conflicts. But until we pull our consciousness out of the fear-based programming of ‘disease’ … and see the HELP that is actually being provided by our bodies (that the ‘system’ calls ‘disease’) … we will continue to suffer and perish at the hands of our own ignorance.
Our Bodies are designed to thrive. They are designed to HELP us through our emotional conflicts. But until we pull our consciousness out of the fear-based programming of ‘disease’ … and see the HELP that is actually being provided by our bodies (that the ‘system’ calls ‘disease’) … we will continue to suffer and perish at the hands of our own ignorance.
Our Bodies are designed to HEAL THEMSELVES.
It is the Divine Design.
We each have the Power to bring our own Bodies back into balance through the right use of the Power of our own Consciousness.
But as long as we continue to allow ourselves to beLIEve the programming that tells us that fast food is nutrition and healing comes from pills … we will continue to give our TRUE POWER away … all the while blaming ‘cancer’ and other ‘diseases’ for our suffering while singing the praises of a system that is ultimately destroying us.
Our ability to HEAL OURSELVES is dependent upon our ability to OPEN our AWARENESS to the Divine Design.
In order to heal our Selves, our Society, and the Earth, we have to STOP depending on ‘the system’, open our Awareness … and START RELYING on the Power of our own Consciousness and the DIVINE Self-Healing DESIGN, instead.