Consciousness Comes FIRST!
Does life happen to us? … or through us?
Are we really the Creators of our own realities?
… It certainly doesn’t seem like it … until we realize how our realities are being generated … and that it is, indeed, being generated through each and every One of us … according to our Consciousness!
There appears to be a profound gap in our Collective Awareness; a huge ‘black hole’ that is causing us to generate suffering for ourselves and each other … and all Life on this planet, for that matter. This ‘gap’ is our failure to recognize the role our Consciousness plays in generating every single aspect of our reality.
Humanity has been existing in a state of fallen consciousness for millennia.
What does this mean?
It means that the Templates of Divine Consciousness that generate Heaven on Earth (and our Health!) have become corrupt … and have degraded, causing us to generate war, poverty, pollution and ‘dis-ease’ ... rather than the Peace, Ease, Joy and Thriving that this Living Ecosystem of Earth was originally created to Be.
The Earth and ALL Life upon her were created by the Prime Creator … Source … Father/Mother God … as ONE Paradise; One massive, interconnected, interdependent, ecosystem … of ever-growing, ever-changing LIFE. This ecosystem, when untampered with … THRIVES. Nature is always creating balance … yet humanity is currently VERY out-of-balance.
Peaceful co-habitation between species and thriving LIFE is the Divine Design. The Earth was created as a Paradise … with mankind as the guardians or stewards. Our ‘task’ was to celebrate the beauty and to take what was given to us and to improve upon it.
However, at some point along the line, someone(s) decided that they wanted to rule over Earth and humanity … to ‘own’ everyone and everything so they declared themselves to be ‘gods’ and kings. They laid claim to the Earth and all of her resources … and then proceeded to systematically invade people’s home Lands … and brutalize the inhabitants and steal the lands for themselves. Then, as their ‘Empires’ grew … they would sell bits of the land (which was never theirs to begin with) back to the people … and then charge them ‘rent’ on top of that, in the form of property ‘taxes’.
The ‘Rulers’ created structures … of religions and governments … to both brutalize and trick Humanity into giving up their own power and submitting to the rule of the dark forces. The Grand Creator Beings that are humanity … began to become traumatized and to lose their connection to God/Source/Creator as a result of the constant persecution and brutality that was occurring … and continues to occur to this day. The very same ‘bloodlines’ that began these crusades are still ‘crusading’ today. They are still laying claim to the Earth’s Natural Resources and selling them for their own profit, and taxing humanity, policing humanity, and mind-controlling the masses through the media. The stress upon humanity is enormous! (Although we’ve been ‘incubating’ in it for so long that we simply accept it as ‘normal’.)
But Humanity is catching on! We’re starting to see that something is VERY wrong on this planet. We’re becoming wise to the fact that there is more to life than meets the eye, and that what currently meets the eye is being shaped by the governments and media to present a VERY grim image.
We’re starting to realize that the images we are being shown are NOT the images we desire to see … or experience. We’re tired of war. And ‘disease’. And ‘taxes’. And ‘disasters’. But by constantly showing humanity these images … and getting us to focus our energy on them … we generate these very scenarios that we’re being shown.
Well, humanity is learning very quickly that it’s time for us to stand in our OWN Power as the Divine Beings of Light We Are … and put a STOP to the patterns of suffering. It’s time for us to stop allowing ourselves to be used and abused. It’s time for us to stop participating in the patterns that are causing us to get sick, suffer and die … and it’s time for us to collectively create a brand new story.
We are here, at this time on Earth, to restore our Planet to the Paradise that it was created to be. We are here to HEAL Our Selves and this beautiful planet.
This means that we have to learn how to harness the Power of our Own Consciousness, which is the most Powerful tool in all of Creation. In our Pure state, we have the power to create Universes, while in our fallen state, we’re unconsciously destroying our own.
The only way for us to re-create Paradise is for us to learn how to LET GO of the patterns of war, death, ‘disease’ and devastation. We have to STOP PARTICIPATING in those levels of Consciousness … and raise our Own Awareness back to the Original, Divine Design of Christed (pure, unadulterated) Consciousness that is already ours at the Soul level.
We have to innerstand that everything is created with our own energy … before it appears in physical form, and it is our Consciousness that is directing the flow of our energy.
‘Disease’ gets formed within the non-physical realms of our Consciousness … before it appears in our physical bodies. It gets structured in our LIGHT BODY (the non-physical energetic space surrounding the physical body) … before it appears in physical form through the body.
Distorted thought forms generate a distorted reality. Thoughts of fear, doubt, shame, anger … generate a very unpleasant reality for us to experience in physical form … whatever form that becomes.
When we’re standing in love, respect, certainty, honor, integrity, humility, peace … we generate very peaceful, pleasing realities.
Once a distortion (a life-depleting pattern in consciousness) appears in physical form … the only way to change it is to change it in our Consciousness … first. We must resolve the distortion in our energy field. We must resolve the dilemma, whatever that is, by resolving it within our Selves.
Once ‘disease’ appears in the Physical Body … the route back to health is through bringing our Light Body back into vibrant health … clearing away the thought patterns of ‘disease’ that cause the degradation of the LightBody structure … and replacing them with patterns that generate vibrant, radiant HEALTH, instead.
Self Healing is not about healing your Body … it’s about Healing Your SELF. It’s about Restoring Your Consciousness and Energetic structure back to Your original Divine Design … so you can BE the Master Creator You are Designed to BE.
Health is something that we must CREATE. It cannot come from a pill. A healthy body comes from a healthy consciousness. Health comes from having a healthy, balanced, free-flowing LightBody that structures energy into Sacred geometric patterns of health and vitality.
We generate ‘disease’ with the same energy that we use to generate health. Which we generate depends on which way we flow the energy.
If we flow our energy through a pattern of distorted geometry, we’ll generate a distorted, unpleasant experience.
When we flow energy through a clear, balanced, open and flowing LightBody … we’re flowing energy through patterns of Sacred Geometry … thus, we generate the pristine patterns that allow us to THRIVE.
When the patterns in our Consciousness degrade, the patterns in our LightBodies become distorted … and our creations become distorted to match.
The Answer to every ‘problem’ … lies in the re-structuring of the fallen patterns in our Consciousness … clearing away the patterns of fear, doubt, anxiety, guilt, etc. and replacing them with the pure, undistorted patterns of Love, Peace, Joy and Harmony that harmonize and restore the Sacred Geometry of our LightBodies.
We become Master Healers once we learn how to Master the flow of our own Energy.